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Posts posted by GoBigBlue1997























  2. I have been mostley a lurker on this thread, just reading peoples opinions for both sides of the issue.  I am amazed at some of the things that have been suggested and the direction that this topic has turned to.  To suggest that we pay our teachers "Less" to help the budget for repairs is crazy to me!  Nobody deserves to make less because the "Tax Payers" do not want to pay for the repairs, upgrades, etc.  I understand that the budget has not bben properly regulated in the past and I believe that we are all at least a little responsible for that either directly or in-directly.  My question is this:  Where are we going to get the money for reairs, new schools, and upgrades if Tax Payers do not pay for it?  Refineries are no longer in Nederland; Our Hospital closed, Businesses have moved across the street and new ones are built on the other side of Hwy 69, so where is the money going to come from?  The school system is all that Nederland has left.  If the school system begins to fail and people begin to move out of Nederland,  this could have some dramatic effects to the community.  When I got married, my wife would not live anywhere except Nederland.  She is from here and was adamant about living here, saying how great a community it was, and how great the schools are for our kids (who we now have 4 & 1), so there was no other place we were going to live.  When she said this weekend that she saw a house in Lumberton that she liked, to say that I was surprised would be a huge understatement.  Because that is where I am from, of course it made me happy, but it was bittersweet.  I have lived in Nederland for six years now and have grown to really like it.  I hope Nederland will do the right thing soon and if you think of it as waiste, at least we are waisting it on our kids and the future of our community.

  3. Just looking at his stat line from last year (from rivals.com)... How does an athlete of this caliber average 3 touches a game  ??? Or is that stat line incorrect??

                          Rushing                               Receiving

    Statistics    Att    Yds    Avg   TD            No    Yds    Avg    TD

    2008 (Jr.)    16     186   11.6   3              14    166    11.9    2

    Two Words:  Garrett and Hypolyte

  4. So, does "Mojo" become "Mojeaux" now?  Just had to throw that one in there.  I'm really glad PNG got Faircloth for a headcoach....I think he will take our NDN's to a higher plane this year. I just want to throw kudos to some of the other teams in our district....even though I've been bashed by Lumberton fans, I feel they will be strong again this year, as well as Central, Livingston, and Nederland.  I NEVER count out Vidor and really, sincerely, hope they make it to the playoffs this year....they've worked hard over there.  Good luck to LCM and their new coach (whoever that will be), I really like LCM.  And Ozen, good luck to you fellas as well. And, even though they are not in our district anymore, Dayton is ALWAYS the real deal and I've grown to really like Dayton alot ( must be the purple).  To me, WE have the BEST 4a district in the state and I hope and pray that SOMEONE from our district goes all the way to state this year.  Best of luck to ALL the teams and ALL the fans!

    The Classiest post I have read in along time!!

  5. Ouch!  Easy!

    I got bad news for you mid-county folks. For the next few years at least, if you want a shot at District, you're gonna have to hunt that trophy down in the woods of Hardin or Tyler Counties.

    ::) OMG, that is the funniest thing I've heard in years! Big L wins a couple of games and they act like they've got the tradition of PNG. What a joke!

    who said anything about having the tradition of PNG????  All he said is that L-Town has some good talent coming up as well and our team is also looking strong the next few years.  I would also call back-to-back district titles a little more than a couple games.  For a team draped in as much tradition as PNG, i wouldnt have thought you would be so easily rattled.

  6. Awsome,  I posted his rivals page on Orangebloods just to raise a flag about him.  I think they are waiting to see how he does after the injury before they get too serious about recruiting him.  The weight is there, if he could shave a tenth off his 40 time... he will be one of the most coveted LB's in the state if not country.  I wish all of ya the best and am stoked to see how he does next year.  I am a liitle biased towards Texas, but would love to see him go anywhere and will be pulling for him.

  7. I know the surgery went well. I heard he is still rehabbing his knee but I saw him the other day and he was walking normal no limp or gimp at all. He was coming out of the weight room and looking good to me!

    Good... I had seen he fell in the longhorn state Rivals 100 from 46 to 99.  I hope he gets back to 110% and ready to kick some butt next year. 

  8. PNG's gonna have to find an up and comer with the balls to put up with that community and the talent to make chicken salad.  Look PNG is a great and historical community in the history of Texas football, but times change.  Lumberton is the new PNG, I hate to say it since I'm from Nederland.  But PNG is losing the battle of pull from Lumberton and they ain't getting the players from the flight from PA Memorial... this is fact and it don't look good.  I will be looking for a Stump decision, if he says NO, for about a 20% raise at a prestigious school, then that's my LITMUS TEST.

    Finally, somebody with Reason and a Brain!!!!  I was beginning to think I was the only one.  Can A mod sticky this somewhere!!!

  9. Broncos have 19 wins-5 losses to the Raiders in their history.Take out Credeur's success and it's same ole Team.3 of the 5 losses by 5 tot.pts.I would say that's success.Lumberton has improved lately,having 30 seniors in 07 was the ticket.

    Take out Credeur's success and we dont have any.  Every team can say the same things.  This isnt a news flash, that is why it was stated RECENTLY.  Yes, we sucked, everyone beat us, we all get the point.

  10. In Dayton we have some good size coming up which might give us some success in a power running type O but... that size isn't gonna be here for long enough to make a change IMO. Plus... I feel like our kids have a good grasp of the O and our D hasn't been soft because of it. Well, it hasn't been soft against power running teams.  ;) The only running teams to have much success against us lately are NF and Livingston.

    I'll stick with what we got going!

    You forgot Lumberton


    Where was Lumberton in the 4th round of the playoffs???

    What was the score the last time we played in district?

    8-7.... I know you weren't asking me though. My post was about teams having success strictly running the ball. L-town didn't score until they made some huge completions on the last drive. You've got to mix it up to be successful... which I'm sure you know.

    You have lost what... 3 games in two years?  You obviously had a better team the last two years and I'm not trying to say Lumberton was or is better, I was just merely pointing out the we had some success against Dayton and that we are pretty much a power running team.  My response was only to Purples reply about our play-off exit. 

  11. Just gonna throw this out there, but do you think it would be such a bad idea if after the Board decides on the final two, that maybe, the two applicants could meet with the Senior players as well and let the players get thier take on the applicants?   This before a final decision has been made.  I don't know if it has ever been done, was just putting a thought out there.

    I think that would be a great idea. 

    And then we can let America decide who wins the PNG Head Coaching Job!  Kids have enough choices at that age much less who is going to be their coach.  And why should the Seniors get the priveledge of choosing the Coach?  The freshmen are the ones who will have to have him around for 4 years.  Let them decide.

  12. In Dayton we have some good size coming up which might give us some success in a power running type O but... that size isn't gonna be here for long enough to make a change IMO. Plus... I feel like our kids have a good grasp of the O and our D hasn't been soft because of it. Well, it hasn't been soft against power running teams.  ;) The only running teams to have much success against us lately are NF and Livingston.

    I'll stick with what we got going!

    You forgot Lumberton


    Where was Lumberton in the 4th round of the playoffs???

    What was the score the last time we played in district?

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