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  1. i think it should be hardin vs. crawford 8)
  2. hey if the d hold up we can win this cuz if they cant score they cant win hardin-23 crawford-13
  3. and alot of people want to dog on hardin but hey were stil the only team in the district still in playoffs
  4. i think hanyes will have it under control and have the defense stoping hemphills runnin game, and our offense...well i cant think of many teams that have been able to stop our pass, just as long as the defense is up and kickn hardin will do just fine agaisnt hemphil.................hardin wins by 13
  5. yes i think you were the only one becuse he hit #1 not #3 so you must have been watchin the wrong game.
  6. wow hemphill is 6-4 hey man aleast hardin has a better record
  7. i hope to see ec win, and hope hardin, and buna get a win also
  8. every one dogs on hardin being bad for one night... man every team has a off game...and there is nothing you can do about it but i hope the defense is doing good friday agaisnt hemphill and pulls a win to go to round2 and hope that ec and buna have a good game to Hardin-20 hemphill-12
  9. it would be tarkington....na jk they anit improved and but hardin has they went 2-8 last year , now look at us 8-1
  10. man cmon i know if kountze beatm we can hardin would still win even if tremain wasnt hurt
  11. i think hardin will win even if tremain wasnt hurt but the bad thing about this is when hardin wins ec players are gonna say thats just because they didnt have tremain. but if he wasnt hurt hardin would still win hardin 32 ec 21
  12. wow deweyville should just give up and not even suit up on this buna54 deweyville13......if that
  13. well i dont know.....both team are pretty darn sorry and i dont think any one of them have one a game this year or i know tarkington hasnt but..... i would have to say both teams should let there cheerleaders suit up and play that would be a much better game..... ;D
  14. well to get into the playoffs you have to win some games has liberty won any this year... ???
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