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Everything posted by Wildfire

  1. yeah my friend has a huntin camp back in the oil field and the rats are honest to god big as rat terriers and we really think they bred with big foot
  2. well then you can stick to the bank is all i can say bud i know wut you mean but there is nuthin you can do about it i hate it when yer trollin by the bank and they are plained out and flyin right by yuh and you think yer gonna fly out the boat from the wake
  3. well why does some differnent numbers for the same numbers get it?? like 3+/-2 and some +45/-43
  4. maybe the snake was blind and the birds were pickin on him about it HA HA
  5. what is karma and why do some say +3/-2 and some +45/-43??? and wut does it do
  6. ;D well i would have to get rid of that sucker and why did he put his gun down with one in the chamber with out puttin it on safty?? im a teen ager and i even knew better than that and plus with a bunch of other people around wut a smart one he was
  7. wolf or no wolf they better stay outa my little batson or they got a 12 ga. slug headed right for there furry little rear end they can stay outa here
  8. it's at crosby ain't it i'm guessin the score will be Day 48 Cros 36
  9. THANX BUD hey i can't beleive shooter's supply closed up it was pricey but i liked there store
  10. i have been workin alot and football prac. gets in the way but i'm finally buyin my license today at wal-mart and get to dirt check a deer most of the other guys have missed... !!!HOW DO YOU MISS!!!!
  11. SHIMANO spincast with some STREN super knot with about 14 lbs. and it is awsome i seen some little spincast set ups about a normal sized reel on a about 2 1\2 foot reel perfect for fishin in those backwoods creeks and stuff for about $15 at the Wal-mart in Liberty i'm fixin to get one
  13. but what about Abu-Garcia i have never had luck they always mess up on me
  14. ??? hey this will be my first time to do power-lifting wuts the weight levels and how do you do the lifting is it diferent things and add up the total wieght of all of them or wut and is taking like protien shakes and stuff like that agianst the rules
  15. ;D i can't wait for them to get up there either our little rascals otta do good it will look like a bunch of rats runnin around every where at practice i just hope they can handle oiler two-a-days hee hee
  16. hey look the games over just drop it no more smack talk okay yeah talkin about how it was played was fine but the oil can business just drop it man omg > >
  17. how about them little oilers UNDEFEATED BABY way to go buds can't wait till yall get here to high school
  18. thanks bud ill be sure to take a look but i aint on that good of a budget cuz of football practice and all so maybe i might be able to find one cheep but i'll doubt gander has ANYTHING cheap but i'll take a look any ways
  19. yeah about hookin me up with that reel i like that idea were you from partner and maybe we can talk a price i am from the batson area
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