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Posts posted by 7376HORNET

  1. By stats - it is Jordan Nolan (Hardin) hands down - he has everyone in the district beat - hopefully he has wins the rest of the season.

    I think Tramain for EC is a great player, offensively and defensively.

    Jordan could not do what he does without a great offensive line and great receivers. To bad most of these guys are seniors.

  2. Lot of talk is over this game, I think the team that is most prepared will win. The Hardin defense has to shut Kountze down and take control of the game early, if this happens Hardin wins big. The receivers for Hardin also have to be on their game and catch everything that is thrown at them (had problems here last week). Kountze hasn't posted any stats, so you can't predict on that. I also think both teams have played very well. It really comes down to the wire with this one, can the LIONS shut down the passing and rushing of Hardin and can Hardin contain Kountze. I am still behind those HORNETS all the way. This team is awesome in my book win or loose.

    [move]GO SENIORS - GO HORNETS [/move]

  3. Congrats to Buna, they won. To these Hornets what a game to be proud of. I know it hurts to lose, but sometimes losing makes us find something more to give. There were a few things that could have be better and you guys know exactly what that was, so continue to get better. You still have two games to play. Everyone in Hardin is so very proud of this bunch of young men for there determination and drive and their closeness as a team. Teams stick together and help each other get better. Good luck next week Kountze are going to have their claws ready too. Go get-um Hornets.

  4. Beware EC, Anahuac is looking to upset somebody. They played a good game against Hardin Friday. Those boys never gave up, even after their RB was taken to the hospital.. They kept pride and fought hard. They are gonna beat someone.

    On Buna and Hardin, I think it will come down to the fewest TO, the least penalties and ball control. The team that does to those three will win. Either team has the ability to do all three. Friday night will tell.

    Go Hornets

  5. Love those Hornets, but they were way off their normal game last night. Defensive front line was not on their normal game. No, excuses - Anahuac came to beat the Hornets and almost did. It was a nail bitter all the way to the end. Hornets need to settle down and get playing football back in their heads, it is not just about winning and numbers its about how you play the game. Your penalities are really hurting now, a face mask penalty should not be happening at all. Play the game Coach Haynes has showed you how to play. Anahuac out played us look at the numbers and the score almost showed it.

    Our prayers go out to the McNeil family, hope your son will be okay.

    This game was very physical, the same thing could have happened to one of our boys.

    Good Luck next week in Buna, Hornets. Settle down and play your game.

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