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Everything posted by texasduckhunter

  1. need to get your facts straight. after kountze beat ec was tied with kountze for third untill the very last game
  2. Buco you need to get the facts on hiring and firing teachers. school board can't get rid of a teacher just for no reason after thier probation period. however, I believe that all people on the school board need to have children in the school or just graduated. I also believe they should listen to the people, not the superintendent or adminstrators who just want it thier way. I know for a fact there is a superintendent in our district who tells her school board how to vote, and one of the school board works for her husband, (guees which way he votes).
  3. we shall see in a few weeks then i'll get back to yall......lol have no fear underdog is here.......... always look out for the underdog.....
  4. the way i see it the guy who wrote this has his head opn straight. i learned a while back that i do have good black friends even if was raised to believe that blacks were not to be friends but just people you know. i began to look at it another way " i'm not racist , i don't like people who have bad attitudes or beieve that just beacause thier a certian race they should be treated diffrent. i'll help as long as you help too , but don't think i'm going to look the other way just beacause you can run a low 40 or shoot 3's all day. oh by the way daddy always said " dog bite you once dogs fault , dog bite you twice your fault , third time he dies ".
  5. Enjoyeed the game, got to watch K. ATTISION from DV and PARKER, and the boys from WARREN play a heck of a game. KEATON keep up the good running , Gongrats to PARKER on his kicks and TD
  6. Should be a good game but I feel that EC will pull it out by 14 unless the BUNA boys can bring thier "A" game and EC has a bad night. REMEMBER : it ain't over till the whistle blows. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH TEAMS
  8. ;D Sounds like KOUNTZE has heads turning this year. K-TOWNN making a statment, IT"S NOT JUST FOR BASKETBALL . OH i almost forgot dont forget the LIONETTS tearing up the streets.
  9. > > > 2A get's the leftovers in all sports. The better ref's get to go 5a,4a,3a
  10. did you see the buna / kountze game . it was not weaknesses. kountze played a good game , so did buna
  11. : we will just have to see, if KOUNTZE will play like I know they can LOOKOUT. EC BUNA KOUNTZE or HARDIN LET"S GO LIONS
  12. gotta go between KOUNTZE and EC for district, but its not far off and good luck to both teams
  13. LETS GO LOIN's ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D gotta keep your head in the game
  14. dont underestimate them blue , you also said blue over kountze by quite a margin. play smart , play hard , play fair. oh and by the way GOOD LUCK TO A GOOD TEAM - BUNA
  15. sounded like a good game. McNiel hope your doing fine and can return in full health. congrats to both teams for a well played ballgame, wish i could have been there.
  16. I cant believe it . the LIONS came out playing . BUNA came back and won with about one minute on the clock. KOUNTZE has nothing to be ashamed of, they played a heck of a game. Congrats BUNA.
  17. just to let you know my son was also taken out of the game with the same type hit but it was not visible on the tape. hope that kid has to work for my son one day.
  18. you know that the coaches are going to try to hide the ones who use just like in construction workers who use and are good hands. I'm not saying all are bad but we do have some that are. we need to start at the top, superintendent, principals and teachers first. how can we expect our kids to do something that adults don't? ;D
  19. forget the moment of silence : it's time for PRAYER for him and his FAMILY. GOD BE WITH YOU. remember : all things are possible through Jesus Christ
  20. after Kountze FOOTBALL we will move over to BASKETBALL . first year on fourm but enjoy the smack. :o :o :-* :'( ;D
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