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Everything posted by hancocm

  1. I am certainly one who does not like blaming refs for losses, but some calls can make a difference in a ballgame. I believe the Castle TD was a good call, however I would not have called it a block in back as it looked like a hold. Now, as for as the TD fumble, I don't know what the refs were looking at and that was a bad call for Silsbee. However, the one nobody seems to be mentioning is on the play that Silsbee fumbled & gave Kville the ball for the winning TD. Didn't anyone notice Donavan Harris calling time-out right in front of the ref as well as Sils coaches calling for time-out and the ref ignored all of them. Sils only had 10 men on the field for that play. Regardless, it was a very good and exciting game that was won by a Kville team that did what they needed to do. Congrats. By the way, the refs were from the Beaumont pool.
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