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Posts posted by babyshoe

  1. Kids will be kids.  It used to happen alot more back in the day.  it's part of being in high school.  If it was kids from Dayton maybe they will get caught.  Rumor mills spread rampid in High Schools.  Someone will talk.  I don't think all of Dayton is classless because a few may have come over and painted the school.  PNG has those types also.  So does Ned.  So Does Memorial.  and so on..... every school has them. 

  2. I think he bought himself another year.  Why not?  He's doing a good job with what he has.  He has a stellar Defense and a decent offense.  Thank goodness for Hemmings huh?  Seems like PNG has a back like that almost every year.  Hemmings reminds me of a tiny Mike Alstott.

  3. guys we lost to PN-G by one touchdown...it was a good game its not like we got killed...and im reading some of the reads on here like the one that says "lumberton by 6" the raiders will still be bitter about thier loss to pn-g and they will be looking for someone to take it out on...

    are you seriously griping about people picking your team to win now?  when does it end?  i said Lumberton by 6.  Ozen isn't going to just roll over and play dead.  jeez.

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