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Everything posted by bhawk

  1. are u serious man come on they are a lot faster and they dont arm tackle they hit...
  2. with lumbertons defense stepping it up this year do yall think it will be as much of a blowout as last year?
  3. husseys a good running back...but thats a bit of a strech sayin hes the best outta the three...even though he's young and a lower classmen id have to say beard is the most presistant on yards out of the three
  4. what if the score on the lumberton vs. dayton game last year was reversed
  5. would the raiders be a better team if they took hussey out and alternated beard and hannah at running back?
  6. honestly i think the raiders would be a better team if they took hussey out and alternated beard and hannah at half back
  7. my team will win because its more than just a game to them
  8. not big Dugat its Dugats lil brother or someone kin to Dugat but its not him
  9. man come on he's not talkin about his record with juss lumberton he's a great coach
  10. i dunno he was a pretty big asset to the broncos
  11. Will Dayton be as good with big Dugat gone?
  12. Dugats bros there but big Dugats gone...and so is a fuggin bad reciever.. i dont recall the name but those two players right there did a lot...but then again two people dont make a football team
  13. it's DeJohn and oh yeah well be ready...more ready than what a lot of u think
  14. What the heck does that have to do with anything?
  15. dayton has always had a good team but this year they have lost a lot of talent i think it will be a great game to the last quarter i think if lumberton can hang with dayton till the 4th lumberton can take it they have a lot more heart
  16. yeah cody hussey kicked another player to get him off of him because he was getting choked i would have done the same i know cody and he wouldnt do something like that for no reason
  17. Lumberton is a good team yeah they play a watered down 3-a schedule but they dont take it lightly either they leave everything they have on the field i know these guys they have the most heart out of any team in their district
  18. people say we gonna do bad but they juss dont know we can take dayton this year they lost A LOT of good players PNG aint what they wer last year niether nederland will be tough we got vidor no problem central tough game ozen we got it the only reason we lost last year is because it didnt even matter we werent going anywhere if we won anyway but LCM aint nothin we got it this year fellas
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