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Posts posted by bearfan

  1. I think if you were to go back 10 years age and compile a list of kids that went on to play at the next level you would see that 7-10 years ago almost all players were recruited from High School since there was very little opportunity to play select baseball in our area. While select baseball is not for everyone here are some things to consider:

    When 90% of High School baseball is being played college scouts (coaches) are coaching and unable to attend HS games, as basbal pointed out in his post. If you attend a big showcase or tournament in the summer you may easily see 15-20 D-1 college scouts in attendance.

    When a college calls one of the first things he will ask is who else is recruiting you. The more interest in the player, the more options he has with regard to attending the school of his choice. Also he has more bargaining power (leverage) for amount of scholarship.

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