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Football Fan

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Everything posted by Football Fan

  1. It's called having great athletes. WO-S had, has, and will have awesome players who dedicate themselves to Coach Hooks and the Mustang program. That said, I personally don't like a individual (player or coach) singled out publicly at the high school level for mistakes. It's kind of weird coaching is one of the only professions in which their mistakes are made public. Then on that level (HS) the pay isn't the greatest unless you're a HC/AD. Most of these men love their jobs, the kids and the communities in which they work. I'm glad the mistakes I make aren't posted on a message board or the local newspaper. Just a thought.
  2. I don't always understand why things like this happen to good people but I do have faith to pray. Prayers sent from Beaumont!
  3. I wish I could say the same for my son. I ride him and he still rides the fence with his grades. Now that he is 13, I bring his butt to the gym after football practice to lift for about an hour. If he doesn't bring homework to the house he'll add 20-30 minutes of running to the weight lifting. I've tried everything else including no phone calls and so far this year I'm not aware of any problems. He isn't a gifted athlete or a extremely bright kid but he'll pass all his classes. If not, he'll have a extremely boring life. School, practice, weight lifting, running, dinner, do homework and hit the sack. No girlfriend, phone calls, computer time, video games or any other entertainment. I know some people if they knew who I was would call CPS on me!
  4. Wasn't Arkansas in the field with a local kid? I believe his name is Andrew Landry.
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