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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. Y is your name setxreporter? go report somewhere else.... what YOU think is facts is nothing but a load of crap..... 2 points really is gett spanked huh? even though if the last shot of the game was a cm to the left (if sitting on the visitor side) then the game would have went to h-j......this is not soccer...loosing by 2 points is not getting spanked... Now don't start arguing over missed shots, there were plenty on both sides, and regardless of the outcome it comes down to: if only they would have made that shot..... 8)
  2. Montagne Center. Now I know it's not a high school gym, but high school games are played there. I just don't like to be cramped. Seriously though, Evadale has the most pleasing seating. Likewise, I'm not too crazy about crowded foyers. 8)
  3. That's a great question, he was not anywhere near a hj player. 8)
  4. Settle down people, it's not like Silsbee lost their whole varsity squad, or anyone for that matter. I would guess that a few expendable players getting playing time late in the fourth with a considerable lead were the only ones that got out of line. In this case, I would undoubtedly point towards WOS given the circumstances. No one likes to be beaten in their house, but that does not excuse any and all that were involved, especially the refs! 8)
  5. Listen Darling, I understood what you were doing completely. You found this online forum, and you thought it was something you could take advantage of by talking trash, but you ignored the fact that there is intelligent life on this planet and posted a bunch of bs. No big deal, it happens all the time on here; sometimes it's kind of fun. Then, you made a mistake: the water got too hot, you couldn't handle the heat that was coming back, so you folded and started whining. That's what was so annoying. I mean, of course we knew who was posting that stuff, just don't take insults so personal. 8)
  6. I could not begin to describe the ignorance... 8)
  7. Deaver got jacked in the semis. They GAVE that game to an upperclassman, it was sickening. 8)
  8. Kevin Darling......Kevin Darling....Oh Yeah!!!! Kevin Darling, I know him. Tennis player, no, but I guess he is good enough to make the Buna basketball team if that means anything. All you tennis people relax, he has no clue about anything, really. He is just one of those self-proclaimed genius/prodigy jerks that believes they are God's gift to the world. His ego supercedes his name and talent. To say that Deaver can be beat by this trash is not worth commenting on, but it's hard to resist. 8)
  9. Go ruin someone else's topic. 8)
  10. Looks like you hit a dead end there, seeing as you could not possibly manuever your head any further up your rectum. Congrats to HJ though, your stamina seemed to give you the advantage this time along with some generosity depending upon your perspective. 8)
  11. Most Great "basketball players" spend most of their time on the court on their feet, but maybe I'm not watching close enough. That comment is out of line.
  12. I think all three previously mentioned candidates can and do pitch, especially ole McDonald. 8)
  13. Let me break it down for you. Say you saw/heard of this setx high school pitcher that threw a 90 mph + pitch. You would post that by putting the name of the guy, the school, and how fast he threw. Example: Chuck Norris/Ozen/300 mph
  14. Are there any high school pitchers throwing in the 90's. That doesn't mean almost or 89. Names would be nice, and if you feel like it the school they play for would be tight. Oh yeah and please include numbers, lots of numbers. Let's keep this one in the southeast Texas area please. 8)
  15. Oh COOP!!! I love it when you talk like that. 8)
  16. I also feel you are privilaged to have a coach that puts out so much... 8)
  17. You make baseball out to be the golden child of sports here. The murders, brawls, sexual harassment, and GAMBLING are no more widespread in other sports than in baseball. If you see these incidents as the face of football and basketball, you are sadly mistaken. However, STEROIDS is the face of baseball. Why? Because they chose to make it so. Know this is just an opinion, but how many roid monsters do you think there are in football and basketball and for crying out loud wrestling!? My guess is just as many. The only difference is that those cases have not been investigated and probably never will. Baseball fans need not run to the streets and burn their balls...just sit tight and the crackdown will be over with. This is the transition from the STEROID ERA to the new era the ROID SCARE (red scare if ya'll catch it). But then again there will always be that change hangin' over the players, temptation....... 8)
  18. With all the disappointment in the air, I decided to start a topic for all those who just want to cry or whine a little. Go ahead, get it out you'll feel much better. I'll even start things off: :'( There, now didn't that feel better! If you still need a little more, or if something is still not 'fair', just blame a ref, or a cheating team. I hope I could help all my sensitive friends out there who have nothing more to say about a team performing better than that they are a cheat... ...so go ahead, buddy, poke that lip out there, squint your eyes, and let it flow. As a wise man once said--Cry me a river. 8)
  19. Everyone Chillax! I am not sure how hating Silsbee can be so rewarding, but I do know why these guys say stuff like that: Because it pisses ya'll off! I'm sorry Southpaw but it wouldn't be a big deal if you chose not to make it one. This is merely an open forum, ya'll need to chill. Yeah people say stuff, but just cuz they want a reaction. I say Fire Away MWhizzie, gimme your best! That junk is kind of entertaining, especially when you have to make it G-Rated. 8)
  20. Jack, if I may call you that... just stop. You started something you can't finish so just tap out and ignore the condescending remarks. These guys are ruthless, they'll make you look like a Jack...well, you can fill in the rest. Back on topic! 8)
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