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  1. Rodney Saveat only made $96K as athletic director. They could use that money in better ways then to split it up. They will probably hire Butte for AD anyway.
  2. Rodney Saveat has a nice smile, but he was complicent in much that went on in BISD. His friendships and dealings with former Superintendents Thomas and Timothy Chargois made him a part of the problems. An example is when he allowed Attorney's to meet illegally at the Thomas center several years ago.
  3. I know what you mean. They will probably move Saveat's former assistant, Ronald Jackson, to the AD position, and this will be a BIG mistake.
  4. Don't worry, Rodney Saveat will enjoy the move away from Athletic Director to Director of Health and Physical Education. He has the same coworkers, and it will be a move towards retirement.
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