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Everything posted by southern-thunder

  1. Actually I believe the only players on this years team who were not in the program last year is William Brooks Coach Brooks' son, and one of the Rawls boys who moved back to Jasper this summer. I may have missed someone though. I agree with you very much about all the Jasper fans should pull together for the common goal of a state championship. But FANS should pull together for that goal regardless of who the coach is or anything else. But this thread seemed to have been started to stir things up more than anything else.
  2. Yes Mr. Land you are wrong. The seniors that were on the team that went to state were freshmen when Brooks left, Lauve had them for four offseasons. After that year there was a talent drop as well as a numbers drop off. And as for this year there is only one more win than last year so far the rest is yet to be seen. This years team has alot more overall talent than last year also, and some better senior leadership which last year team with the exception of a few players had very little of. Bottom line is that both Brooks and Lauve are good coaches and unles they coaching the exact same kids you are comparing apples and oranges.
  3. How could he have been that bad when he lead the team to two straight semi-finals and a state championship game???
  4. The winning lottery ticket numbers the night before they hit!!!
  5. Guess I am the only person that is not counting the DOGS out!! ;D
  6. Well if unique is the criteria and not being a nice stadium then it has to be Jasper. No one else has a stadium that dates back to and was built by the WPA.
  7. Ok lets all make final predictions of how 21-3A will end up and then bring back this thread and see was closest. I'll start WO-S wins out and finishes 7-0 Kirbyville Beats H-J and BC and Loses to Silsbee and H-F finishes 4-3 Jasper Beats H-F, H-J, and Silsbee and Loses to WO-S finishes 5-2 Hamshire Beats OF, BC, Kirbyville and loses to Jasper finishes 5-2 Silsbee Beats H-J and Kirbyville and loses to WO-S and Jasper finishes 4-3 JASPER GOES DIVISION I WO-S COMES OUT WINNER HAMSHIRE-FANNETT IS RUNNER UP
  8. Not going to happen Jasper will be in the mix and will go big school. ;D
  9. If Silsbee doesnt make the playoffs Jasper will and they will go division I.
  10. I didnt notice any changes on defense, except they were not on the field as much. ;D
  11. Well you are right about that and if you put in dollars and cents that might go for it!!
  12. Stangchain I like your idea it makes alot of sense which is why the uil would never go for it!! ;D
  13. The article says they will be testing all extracurricular participants. Does that include band, cheerleaders and one cat play people too? because if it doesnt and only test athletics wouldnt that be discriminatory?
  14. Well they never made it in 3A and have nt made in 4A yet so I am thinking no they couldnt make it in 5A.
  15. It doesnt matter who comes out of 21-3a they will sweep 22-3a in the first round. And i wouldnt start counting the DOGS out of the playoff hunt just they still got some bite left in them!!! ;D
  16. Jasper in a close one. Still need to get the offense rolling!! But if it does get rolling then a big win!!!
  17. Yes but you dont have to be a tax payer to be a member of this forum.
  18. So why is no one talking about the Jasper Bridge City game? I think i will have to go with Jasper in a close one.
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