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That Asian Guy

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Everything posted by That Asian Guy

  1. i dont know about this one. our offense was clicking tonight. they did awesome but so did Ned. i mean really, wat was it? 38-7 in the first half. now thats pretty good. but its a rivalry..ANYTHING can happen. BUT i still gotta go with my INDIANS! so INDIANS all the way!!!! ;D
  2. yea..lets just see if that will happen tonight. GO INDIANS!
  3. if Tatum will start throwing in the middle of the field instead of the outsides..PN-G can pull it off. and i know that Burnett is gonna work on that this week. he knows that his job is on the line this season. PN-G 21 LC-M 14 plus LC-M is coming to The Reservation. where its always loud. =]]
  4. LC-M vs PN-G will be a huge game. their mascot tackled ours so its gonna be the battle of the mascots. huge controversy last year. PN-G vs Nederland will be even bigger. even though its "Mid-County Madness rivalry," rumors been going around that if Burnett doesnt beat Nederland. he is out. doesnt matter if we lose to everyone else. as long as he beats nederland. so its a huge game.
  5. PN-G beat Vidor today. it was pretty easy. after like 12 matches. the vidor coach told the rest of the matches that were left to play one pro set. lol since they had no chance of winning PN-G boys - we won 4 out of 6 in singles and 2 out 3 in doubles. PN-G girls - they won 5 out of 6 in singles and 3 out of 3 in doubles.
  6. yes Hemmings did get injured, but he will be fine for next week. it was an awesome game. our team just clicked last night. GO INDIANS!
  7. CHYEAAA. im pumped for the new stadium. even though i dont get to experience any of it but i'll be sure to come back and see the new stadium and the most prideful team in the state. haha GO INDIANS!!! and yes..they should have suites for alumni. haha
  8. Brent Pham and Brad Lemaire - PN-G. they just beat Jude and his partner from LC-M.
  9. Our #1 guy is Caleb Flanigan. i forgot the name of the other guy but it was pretty embarassing. he lost 6-3, 7-5 but our #1 guy this week is Brent Pham. we play LC-M on Monday and Brent Pham will be playing Jude Lane. should be a good one.
  10. So who won or lost in the first week of Team Tennis? Boys - PN-G beats Ozen 5-1 Girls - PN-G beats Ozen 6-0 wasn't really much of a challenge. only person who lost was our #1 player. i dont know how, he just did.
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