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Posts posted by KFDM COOP

  1. Dodge's 5A dynasty leaves area coaches shaking their heads


    Posted: 12/20/05 - 11:54:32 pm CST


    Bob West column for Wednesday, December 21, 2005

    Count football coaches in Southeast Texas among those who have difficulty putting into perspective what one of their own - Todd Dodge - has accomplished at Southlake Carroll.

    From West Brook's Craig Stump - Dodge's sophomore backup QB on TJ's 1980 state finalists - to West Orange-Stark's Dan Hooks, to Nederland's Larry Neumann, to PN-G's Matt Burnett, there was a tone of disbelief after Saturday's 34-20 thumping of Katy gave Dodge's Dragons their third title and a 63-1 record in four years at the 5A level.

    “It's amazing,†said Stump, whose Bruins were overpowered by Katy in the third round of the playoffs. “I don't think we'll every see another team dominate 5A the way Southlake has. That school had a great tradition when Todd went there, but he's taken it to another level. He's a step ahead, a play ahead of everybody else.

    “Plus, he's built a great organization and has the kind of administrative and community support on all levels that can make a difference. I remember going in there as a recruiter for Mississippi State. The Southlake football team was such a huge deal. Kids in the fifth and sixth grade can't wait their turn to be Dragons.â€

    “It's impossible to explain,†said Hooks, whose Mustangs won back-to-back 4A titles and played for a third from 1986-88. “They don't just win, they dominate good programs. With the parity and quality programs in 5A, it's just incredible. You say it can't go on forever, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the next two with his son (Riley) playing quarterback.â€

    “He's way ahead of everybody else, it's not just talk,†Neumann declared. “I watched the Katy game just shaking my head at the things they did. To move up a classification and do what they've done is a truly amazing feat. There have been some remarkable programs in Texas, some dynasties, and Carroll is at the very top.

    “It just seems like that program and that town are in a different zone. They had a great tradition when Todd went there, but it's like he's taken a fire and thrown gasoline on it. What jumps out is the confidence those kids play with. Katy made a run at them and had momentum in the third quarter and they answered with a three-play, 80-yard drive. They just seem to be in a different league from the rest of 5A.â€

    “It's mind boggling,†declared PN-G's Burnett, who as a player was part of an Indian program that went to the semifinals or finals four consecutive years in the mid 1970s. “As a coach, if you win one state championship it's an outstanding feat. Just winning a district championship is hard. You really can't relate to what he's done.

    “He's got a system going that's just phenomenal. What's so incredible is the way he keeps turning out great quarterbacks. They all seem to have height, strong arms and throw the ball with amazing accuracy. It would be like us having Dustin Long playing QB every year. Obviously, he's developing them and that's a key to their success.â€

    Ronnie Thompson, who created the Frankenstein monster Dodge has become in the coaching profession, chuckled when asked for a perspective on what his star pupil has accomplished.

    “I don't think you can put it in perspective,†he said. “It's off the charts, in terms of dominating the highest classification. I've thought about it. Abilene in the 1950s and Midland Lee at the end of the ‘90s had great runs. So did Austin Reagan in the late 60s and Judson in the early ‘90s.

    “But none of those teams were in the finals four straight years. Todd's one-point away (16-15 loss to Katy in the 2003 finals) from winning four straight. The one he lost, his defensive coordinator was in the hospital dying of cancer and his all-state kicker missed a chip-shot, game-winning field goal.

    “He's not doing this with a bunch of kids headed to the NFL, either. Year in and year out there are numerous 5A programs with more Division 1 signees. But he's just way, way out there with what he's doing. He's taken a real good system and tweaked and tweaked and tweaked it until it's beyond good.â€

    Thompson said that even as a high school quarterback Dodge had a remarkable grasp of what the offense was all about, and a unique ability to simplify it for players around him.

    “We were trying to coach a high-powered offense and a lot of kids couldn't understand it,†Thompson related. “Todd, with two or three words or a couple of gestures could straighten them out and make it so much clearer for them than we were able to do.

    “Now, you watch his team play and you see everybody out there really understands what's going on. A lot of people probably think what they are doing is complicated, but he's made it so simple for them it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

    “Todd, of course, with his play calling, gives them the ultimate advantage. He finds you defensively, locates you, then knocks you out. And, while from the outside it looks like it's all about offense, he's put a high priority on defense. Without a great defense, they probably wouldn't have beaten Katy.â€

    Stump, who sent Dodge his Katy game tape and told his former teammate what he thought would work against the Tigers defense, remembers Todd's ability to help other TJ players grasp the offense. But he said Thompson deserves more credit for that than he's taking.

    “Ronnie made his quarterbacks have their head in the game, otherwise we'd have been like most other high school kids. Once a practice or a game was over, you would have other fish to fry. But not with Ronnie. He made sure you put extra time into studying the offense, so you knew what we were doing and why.

    “I do think, dating back to our days at TJ, that one of Todd's greatest strengths is being able to communicate. Winning coaches are almost always great communicators. You have to be able to tell somebody how to do something in different ways until it clicks.â€

    Stump said he also believes Dodge is as good as anybody in the profession at developing and coaching quarterbacks.

    “His QBs have been the 5A Player of the year four straight years. I'm sure those kids would have been good no matter who coached them. But Todd coached them up to another level. People like to say great players make great coaches. Well, great coaches can make great players. Without Todd, I doubt any of those guys is the player of the year.â€

    Sports editor Bob West can be e-mailed at [email protected]. His Sportsrap radio show airs Wednesday at 8:05 p.m. on KLVI (560-AM).




    Kenneth Beasley

    West Orange-Stark






    Jared Flannel







    Sean Weatherspoon






    Rick Sargent




    Kyle Noack






    Anthony Weeden






    Parris Brown






    Clifton Simien






    Brandon Harris



    5' 10"



    Tre Gray






    David Schautteet






    Terrance Toliver



    6' 4"



    Shea Emshoff



    6' 6"



    Adam Aycock

    Barbers Hill


    6' 3"



    Joey Adams






    Curtis Willaims



    5' 11"



    John Marshall

    Barbers Hill


    6' 1"



    Jose Alvarez







    J. T. Rudd






    Steven Steed






    Chase Reneau



    6' 0"



    Shelter Anyama






    Dana Pawlowski



    6' 2"



    Dason Jackson






    Sean Novosad






    Jeremy Lynch

    West Orange-Stark





    Wendell Davis






    Sam Elmore

    Bridge City





    Blake Patton

    Barbers Hill


    6' 0"



    Josh Adams






    Earl Thomas

    West Orange-Stark





    Jerrod Lewis

    West Orange-Stark





    Dane Kubecka






    A.J. Hecker

    Bridge City






    Johnny Dishon

    Bridge City





    Zach Hubbard






    Dale Armand

    Bridge City





    Byron Lard






    Fabian Olguin






    Alex Grace



    5' 9"



    Mason Fisher

    Barbers Hill


    6' 2"



    LaDarius White

    West Orange-Stark





    Jacoby Franks

    West Orange-Stark





    Nick Cook



    6' 3"



    Justin Buenger



    6' 3"



    Clint Matocha






    Kaeron Johnson






    Phillip Galpin






    Zane Markham



    5' 11"




    Cody Sparks

    Bridge City





    Jefferey Rogers



    6' 2"



    Michael Wong






    Jamie Bagley



    6' 3"



    Deira Glover



    6; 2"



    Jacoby Lischka






    Josh Tankersley






    Craig Robertson






    Coleman Buttler



    5' 8"



    Justin Wesley






    Chris Tate



    5' 11"



    Robert Johnson






    Austen Wilemon


  3. Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:45 am Post subject: So Long, ABC Monday Night Football


    Sportscaster Al Michaels, left, gestures to his new "Monday Night Football" announcing partner John Madden during the Television Critics Association Press Tour in Pasadena, Calif., on July 17, 2002. Television sports reaches the end of one era and the beginning of another tonight when ABC signs off on its primetime weeknight coverage of the NFL for the final time and hands off to ESPN.

    Clock runs out on ABC's 'Monday Night Football'

    By Hal Bock / Associated Press

    December 26, 2005

    From its inception, ABC's ''Monday Night Football'' was a risky experiment that defied American sports tradition. From Howard Cosell's pontification to Don Meredith's down-home songs to Dennis Miller's arcane analogies, it dominated TV viewing in homes and bars across the nation.

    The broadcast was a hodgepodge of personalities and indelible images, defining moments and follies, eye-popping on-the-field performances and the kind of impromptu silliness that only sheer boredom can create.

    In short, it was exactly what ABC Sports boss Roone Arledge hoped it would be.

    It was theater.

    Television sports reaches the end of one era and the beginning of another tonight when ABC signs off on its prime-time weeknight coverage of the NFL for the final time and hands off to sister network ESPN.

    The 555th Monday night game on the network is itself of little consequence: The dismal New York Jets play the New England Patriots, who already are playoff bound but have no chance to improve their position.

    The series switches networks next season, when ESPN begins paying $1.1 billion per year for Monday night rights in an eight-year deal.

    '''Monday Night Football' is the premier property in sports television,'' ESPN president George Bodenheimer said. ''All the players get up for it. All the teams watch. It's a national showcase. To be able to transition it to ESPN is an honor.''

    There was no ESPN when ABC began its MNF run on Sept. 21, 1970, with the Jets playing at Cleveland. It was the beginning of 36 seasons of one of television's most valuable franchises, a compelling three hours that became the longest running prime-time sports series in TV history.

    Municipal Stadium was jammed with 85,703 fans that first night as ABC began a broadcasting odyssey with Keith Jackson doing play-by-play and ex-quarterback Meredith sharing analysis and wisecracks with Cosell. The three-man booth was new territory for sports television. But then, so was this whole MNF adventure, the invention of NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle and Arledge.

    It was a bold step because, for the longest time, football in America fit neatly into a three-day weekend. Friday night was reserved for high school games. Saturday belonged to college football. The NFL played on Sunday.

    Rozelle wasn't about to lock the NFL into that pattern. The league had experimented with occasional weeknight games, and the commissioner thought it was a perfect place to grow his product. Similarly, Arledge believed sports was the perfect product for television.

    Rozelle needed a network partner, and Arledge needed a foot in the NFL door. With CBS and NBC locked into NFL games on Sundays, ABC was the perfect fit for MNF. But it took some persuading.

    Rozelle's trump card was syndication on the Hughes Sports Network. On and off for two years, Rozelle and Arledge would meet for lunch, usually at Manhattan's posh 21 Club, haggling over details. Arledge felt he was always on the defensive, especially when Rozelle mentioned Hughes.

    ''I had about as much clout as the Dalai Lama has dealing with the Chinese army,'' he once said. ''You know where the power was.''

    Arledge persuaded reluctant ABC higher-ups to sign off on the deal, but then Rozelle almost pulled the rug out from under him.

    ''He said, 'Of course, you understand we have to offer it to CBS and NBC first because of existing contracts,''' Arledge said. ''I was about to slit my throat.''

    The other two networks passed, and the deal went to ABC for $8.5 million a year, a rights fee that ballooned over the life of the partnership to $550 million a year, half of what ESPN will pay.

    It was the start of something very big.

    Arledge's plan was to use the up-close and personal approach he had applied to ABC's coverage of the Olympics. There would be nine cameras instead of the usual four or five. Producer Dennis Lewin was there at the start and later moved to the NFL as head of broadcasting.

    ''We approached every game as if it was the Super Bowl,'' Lewin said.

    The selection of the announcing team was vital. The plan was to have ex-NFL star Frank Gifford in the booth, but Gifford had a year remaining on a contract at CBS and he recommended his pal, Meredith. Arledge added the bombastic, often abrasive Cosell for analysis, with Jackson doing play-by-play.

    The interplay between the urbane Cosell and Meredith the country boy made the broadcasts tingle with electricity. Cosell took to calling Meredith ''Dandy Don,'' and the quarterback would serenade blowout games by singing, ''Turn out the lights, the party's over.''

    Once, when the cameras zeroed in on stony-faced Minnesota coach Bud Grant, Meredith changed his tune, singing, ''You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.''

    The first game included an electrifying 94-yard return of the second-half kickoff by Cleveland's Homer Jones, played and replayed by ABC's army of cameras, and a dramatic portrait of Jets quarterback Joe Namath, shoulders slouched at game's end after an interception that sealed the victory for the Browns.

    It was must-see TV and the country responded. The first-year rating was 18.5 with a 31 percent share of the viewing audience. When Gifford replaced Jackson to do play-by-play the next year, the rating went up to 20.8.

    Rozelle and Arledge had a hit on their hands.

    Much of the success had to do with Cosell. His nasal, New York tones delivered a know-it-all message that often infuriated audiences.

    ''Howard made people listen,'' Lewin said. ''He made people think, and he made people watch. You didn't always agree with Howard, but he was never afraid to say what he thought.''

    Then there was Arledge's unique production.

    ''Roone felt it was important to personalize the athlete, to transport the viewer from the couch to every part of the stadium,'' Gifford said. ''Roone Arledge turned a football game into live theater.''

    Gifford functioned as a traffic cop, an x's and o's football fundamentalist, while Cosell and Meredith provided comic relief. It worked famously, benefited by some terrific games and occasionally interrupted by some dramatic news. It fell to Cosell on Dec. 8, 1980, to announce, in the middle of the broadcast, that Beatle John Lennon had been shot and killed.

    Some of the more memorable Monday night moments include:

    Tony Dorsett setting a record with a 99-yard run from scrimmage for Dallas against Minnesota on Jan. 3, 1983.

    Green Bay defeating Washington 48-47 on Oct. 17, 1983, as the teams combined for 1,025 yards of total offense in the highest-scoring MNF game, a contest not decided until Mark Moseley missed a potential game-winning 39-yard field goal with 3 seconds to play.

    Miami ending Chicago's shot at an undefeated season, beating the Bears 38-24 on Dec. 2, 1985, as alumni from the Dolphins' undefeated 1972 team cheered for their record to be protected. The game set an MNF record with a 29.6 rating and 46 share.

    Hall of Fame quarterbacks John Elway and Joe Montana facing off in a dramatic duel won by Montana, who threw a TD pass with 8 seconds remaining to give Kansas City a 31-28 victory over Denver on Oct. 17, 1994.

    The Jets roaring from behind in the fourth quarter, scoring on four straight possessions to wipe out a 30-7 Miami lead and then again with 42 seconds left in regulation before winning in overtime 40-37 on a 40-yard field goal by John Hall on Oct. 23, 2000.

    Brett Favre throwing for 399 yards and four touchdowns in Green Bay's 41-7 victory over Oakland on Dec. 22, 2003, one day after the sudden death of his father.

    Over the years, the package changed. Meredith fled Cosell's overbearing presence, joining NBC in 1974 before returning three years later. Arledge moved to head ABC's news division in 1977. Cosell departed in 1983 but not before taking a parting shot at the NFL, calling it boring.

    MNF always battled boring. ABC dressed its announcers in outrageous canary yellow blazers for a while. When ratings began to dip, the network tried different starting times and different broadcasters, even hiring comedian Miller for two seasons. Some ex-players-turned-announcers stayed longer than others. Fred Williamson never made it out of the preseason in 1974. Gifford stuck around for 28 years.

    There was a tawdry cross promotion involving Philadelphia wide receiver Terrell Owens for ABC's ''Desperate Housewives'' series last year that raised some eyebrows. The signature opening recently has had country star Hank Williams Jr. singing, ''Are you ready for some football?''

    Al Michaels took over play-by-play duties in 1986 and will follow the series to ESPN next season, joined by ex-quarterback Joe Theismann, who provided one of the more dramatic MNF moments in 1985 when his leg was broken on a sack by Lawrence Taylor.

    Bodenheimer said ESPN will try to turn MNF into the kind of defining event the program was in its early years.

    ''ESPN plans to create an immersive experience for the fans,'' he said. ''It will be a happening in each MNF city. We look to take the best that ABC has done in 36 years and create a new era on ESPN.


  4. Here is the PANews team:



    Posted: 12/24/05 - 07:28:27 pm CST


    Pos.: Player, School Hgt. Wgt. Cl.


    WR: LaDarius White, West Orange-Stark 6-2 185 Sr.

    WR: Chris Royal, Beaumont Ozen 6-2 205 Sr.

    TE: Seth Harley, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 6-3 235 Sr.

    IL: Nick Landry, Bmt West Brook 6-6 265 Sr.

    IL: James Gulley, Bmt Central 6-3 265 Sr.

    IL: Josh Nixon, Beaumont Ozen 6-3 275 Sr.

    IL: Don Holloway, PA Memorial 6-1 260 Sr.

    IL: Taylor McInnis, Port Neches-Groves 6-2 225 Sr.

    QB: Kenneth Beasley, West Orange-Stark 5-10 170 Sr.

    QB: Joe Chaisson, Bmt West Brook 6-3 175 Jr.

    RB: Brandon Williams, Bmt Central 6-4 195 Jr.

    RB: Stedman Williams, Beaumont Ozen 5-11 185 Sr.

    RB: Brandon Begnaud, Port Neches-Groves 5-8 165 Jr.


    K: A.J. Hecker, Bridge City 5-8 150 Sr.

    P: Ryan Butler, Nederland 5-9 160 Sr.

    KR: E.J. LeBlanc, Bmt West Brook 5-5 150 Sr.

    KR: Eric Reynolds, PA Memorial 6-0 205 Sr.

    UT: Jadon Ellender, Bridge City 5-9 155 Sr.

    UT: Clint Whitaker, Nederland 6-0 175 Sr.


    DE: Hunter Davis, Port Neches-Groves 6-3 230 Sr.

    DE: Cody Sparks, Bridge City 6-4 215 Sr.

    DT: Mack Randall, Beaumont Ozen 6-8 280 Sr.

    DT: Winston Sylvester, Bmt Central 5-11 270 Sr.

    NT: Ron Mohica, Nederland 6-1 310 Sr.

    LB: Deron Minor, Beaumont Ozen 6-1 215 Sr.

    LB: Pharius Haynes, Bmt Central 6-3 205 Jr.

    LB: John Michael Falgout, Bmt West Brook 6-0 225 Sr.

    LB: Sean Bean, Beaumont Kelly 6-0 200 Jr.

    DB: Robert Joseph, PA Memorial 6-1 180 Sr.

    DB: Justin Robertson, PA Memorial 6-3 190 Sr.

    DB: Jarrod Lewis, West Orange-Stark 5-11 177 Sr.

    DB: Kendrick McCloney, Bmt Ozen 5-11 185 Sr.

    DB: Drenard Williams, Bmt West Brook 5-11 170 Sr.

    MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Ryan Butler, Nederland

    OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Kenneth Beasley, West Orange-Stark

    DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Robert Joseph, PA Memorial

    COACH OF THE YEAR: Dan Hooks, West Orange-Stark

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Any team member had to be nominated by his school's head coach to be considered for selection. Players from schools outside The Port Arthur News circulation area -- such as Silsbee, Vidor and Lumberton -- were not eligible.


    Pos.: Name, School Hgt. Wgt. Cl.

    QB: Johnny Dishon, Bridge City 5-10 165 Jr.

    QB: London Durham, Beaumont Ozen 6-2 175 Jr.

    QB: Alex Moshier, Nederland 5-10 155 Jr.

    QB: Brett Ramsey, Orangefield 6-1 200 Jr.

    RB: Jeff Fisette, Bridge City 5-10 165 Jr.

    RB: Taylor Frillou, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 5-10 170 Soph.

    RB: Jeff Hemmings, Port Neches-Groves 6-0 190 Soph.

    RB: Micah Mosley, Nederland 6-1 200 Jr.

    RB: Earl Thomas, West Orange-Stark 5-11 180 Jr.

    WR: J.J. Banks, Beaumont West Brook 5-7 155 Jr.

    WR: Billy Chavis, Beaumont West Brook 6-5 185 Jr.

    WR: Ronnie Fontenot, Beaumont Ozen 6-0 175 Jr.

    WR: Derrick Hall, Beaumont Central 5-10 180 Soph.

    WR: Josh Thomas, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 6-2 195 Jr.

    OL: Blaine Daniel, Nederland 5-10 220 Jr.

    OL: David Morgan, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 6-0 200 Jr.

    OL: Jardon O'Neal, West Orange-Stark 6-3 235 Soph.

    OL: Kheeston Randall, Beaumont Ozen 6-4 265 Soph.

    OL: Adam Westbrook, Nederland 5-9 210 Jr.

    OL: Michael Zoch, Beaumont West Brook 5-10 255 Jr.

    C: Ronald DeJohn, PA Memorial 6-3 310 Jr.

    C: Aaron Tomplait, Port Neches-Groves 6-0 210 Jr.

    TE: Phillip Biehle, Nederland 6-2 200 Jr.

    TE: Trey Gaspard, Port Neches-Groves 5-10 265 Jr.

    TE: Cliff Mansfield, Orangefield 6-2 185 Jr.

    DE: Dorian Guillory, Beaumont Kelly 6-2 200 Soph.

    DE: Jacody Coleman, Beaumont West Brook 6-3 215 Jr.

    DE: Dravanti Johnson, Nederland 6-2 185 Soph.

    DE: Colby Miller, Nederland 6-1 210 Jr.

    DT: David Blackshear, Bridge City 5-11 190 Jr.

    DT: Edward Fleming, Beaumont Central 5-10 240 Soph.

    DT: Andy Gallet, Port Neches-Groves 6-1 240 Jr.

    DT: Charles Jacobs, PA Memorial 6-0 310 Jr.

    DT: Joe Stelly, Beaumont West Brook 6-0 180 Jr.

    LB: Andre August, Beaumont Central 5-9 180 Jr.

    LB: Jarvis Benton, Nederland 6-0 190 Jr.

    LB: Donny Corona, Beaumont Kelly 5-11 185 Soph.

    LB: Chris Gutierrez, Nederland 5-9 210 Soph.

    LB: Dustin Locks, West Orange-Stark 5-6 175 Jr.

    LB: Otis Sowell, Beaumont West Brook 5-10 185 Jr.

    LB: Morris Thomas, Beaumont Central 5-8 170 Jr.

    LB: Jacob Walker, Port Neches-Groves 6-0 190 Jr.

    DB: Josh Chatman, Beaumont West Brook 5-10 170 Jr.

    DB: Ryan Clark, Beaumont Ozen 6-1 190 Jr.

    DB: Martin Fontenot, Beaumont Kelly 5-10 165 Jr.

    DB: Jacoby Franks, West Orange-Stark 5-11 175 Jr.

    DB: Brian Harmon, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 6-1 195 Jr.

    DB: Isiah Mitchell, Port Neches-Groves 5-9 160 Jr.

    DB: Tramain Thomas, East Chambers 6-1 170 Soph.

    DB: Barry Valcin, PA Memorial 5-11 182 Jr.

    DB: Ben Wells, Beaumont Ozen 6-1 180 Jr.

    P: Jeff Stringer, Bridge City 5-10 161 Jr.

    K-P: Christian Cruz, Beaumont Kelly 5-10 170 Fr.

  5. Top 10 3A Coaches .....

    ..... Ranked by TOTAL WINS

    1 Dan Hooks (235-65-2) West Orange-Stark

    2 David Husmann (188-72-1) Gladewater

    3 Russell Roberts (174-144-4) Wharton

    4 Hugh Sandifer (168-69-4) Abilene Wylie

    5 Ben Scharnberg (167-84-3) Atlanta

    6 Weldon Nelms (161-93-3) Wimberley

    7 Claude Tarver (152-77-4) Bridge City

    8 Jessie Crow (141-102-5) Yoakum

    9 Jimmy Thompson (139-58-1) Cleveland

    10 Jerry Malone (137-71-3) Marlin

  6. Jerry's Final Top 20

    1 Wimberley (15-0)

    2 Tatum (15-0)

    3 Hutto (13-3)

    4 Gainesville (13-1)

    5 West Orange-Stark (12-1)

    6 Cuero(13-1)

    7 Abilene Wylie (10-3)

    8 Liberty Hill (11-3)

    9 Devine (10-3)

    10 Giddings (10-3)

    11 Cameron Yoe (13-1)

    12 Sweetwater (13-2)

    13 Gilmer (10-2)

    14 Canyon (10-2)

    15 Dallas Madison(10-2)

    16 Marlin (8-2-1)

    17 Barbers Hill (10-1)

    18 Bridge City (9-2)

    19 Snyder (9-2)

    20 Monahans (13-1)

  7. Dodge will not come back to PA. Why would he! Look how good he has it now. Even if they were to offer him more money he would not come back. First' date=' he has awesome facitlies at SLC. They have an indoor practice field. Also and I don't mean to piss off any PA people, but academics are better in SLC. Every campus from elementary to high school receives an exemplary rating ever year. JDawg is right, his next move will be college.[/quote'] Oh by the way Dodge is a Finalist for the Rice job!!
  8. Enrollment Figures and UIL Realignment 2006-2008 Updated 12/19

    The following enrollment numbers have been sent into The Old Coach. Verify, confirm, or place additional information here concerning realignment and enrollment figures.

    Abernathy 222

    Abilene High 2,478

    Abilene Cooper 1,989

    Abilene Wylie 916

    Albany 187

    Aledo 1297.5

    Allen 4629.5

    Alice 1574

    Alto 182

    Alvarado 1000+

    Amarillo Caprock 1774

    Amarillo High 2018

    Amarillo Palo Duro 1952

    Amarillo Tascosa 2274

    Andrews 902

    Angleton 1880

    Anna 383

    Anson 203

    Anthony 336

    Athens 947

    Archer City 177

    Argyle 472

    Arlington Seguin 1929

    Aransas Pass 536

    Aspermont 78

    Aubrey 347

    Austin Del Valle 1946

    Austin Crockett 1919

    Austin Lake Travis 1621

    Austin Westlake 2350

    Azle 1861

    Baird 118

    Ballinger 314.5

    Bandera 858

    Bangs 349.5

    Barbers Hill 963

    Bartlett 142

    Bay City 1258

    Beeville Jones 1080

    Belton 1946

    Bellevue 51

    Benjamin 31

    Big Lake 241

    Big Sandy 198

    Birdville Birdville HS 1872.5

    Birdville Haltom HS 2609.5

    Birdville Richland HS 2103

    Bishop 323

    Blooming Grove 293

    Blue Ridge 198

    Boerne 1943

    Boling 280

    Bovina 139

    Bowie 458.5

    Boyd 335

    Boys Ranch 181

    Brady 400

    Brazos 277

    Brazosport 1117

    Brackettville Brackett 187

    Breckenridge 461

    Bridgeport 669

    Brookshire-Royal 426.5

    Brownsboro 845

    Brownsville Lopez 2183

    Brownsville Porter 2450

    Brownwood 977.5

    Bryson 85

    Buda Hays 1888

    Buda Lehman 1177

    Buffalo 232

    Burkburnett 957

    Burnet 998

    Byers 32

    Callisburg 340

    Calhoun 1123

    Canadian 216

    Carroll Southlake Carroll 2408

    Carrollton Creekview 2256.5

    Carrollton Newman Smith 2117

    Carrollton R.L. Turner 2044.5

    Carrollton Ranchview 722

    Castleberry 831

    Castroville Medina Valley 908.5

    Cedar Hill 2449

    Cedar Park Vista Ridge 1925

    Celina 429

    Central Heights 215

    Channelview 2104.5

    Chico 225

    Chillicothie 60

    Cibolo Steele 1214

    Cisco 253

    City View 287

    Cleburne 1572

    Clifton 369

    Clint 480

    Clint Horizon 1325

    Coleman 303

    Colmesneil 181.5

    Colorado City 302

    Columbia 833.5

    Copperas Cove 1,959.5

    Conroe 2860

    Conroe Caney Creek 1681

    Conroe Oak Ridge 2207

    Conroe The Woodlands 3810

    Conroe The Woodlands CP 2603

    Converse Judson 3200

    Converse Judson Wagner 2200

    Corpus Christi Carroll 2384

    Corpus Christi King 2555

    Corpus Christi Miller 1371

    Corpus Christi Moody 1960

    Corpus Christi Ray 2046

    Corpus Christi Tuloso-Midway 1008

    Corpus Christi West Oso 492

    Corsicana 1,519.5

    Covington 104

    Crawford 195

    Crocket 468

    Cross Plains 110

    Cross Roads 169.5

    Crowell 85

    Crowley 1625

    Crowley North Crowley 2169

    Dallas Highland Park 1975

    Dallas Pinkston 1000

    Dallas Samuell 1,808

    Daingerfield 407

    Danbury 247

    Dayton 1440

    Dawson 138

    Decatur 871.5

    Del Rio 2767

    Del Valle 1946

    DeLeon 184

    Denison 1267

    Denton Guyer 1134

    Denton High 1538

    Denton Ryan 1863

    Denver City 362

    Detroit 146

    Devine 577

    Deweyville 205

    Dimmitt 289

    Donna 2231

    Dripping Springs 1119.5

    Dublin 353

    Dumas 1021

    Duncanville 3759.5

    Eagle Mt. Saginaw Boswell 1805.5

    Eagle Mt. Saginaw 1767

    Eagle Pass 1850

    Eagle Pass New School 1750

    Early 388.5

    East Bernard 260

    Eastland 341

    Edinburg 2488.5

    Edinburg Economedes 2121

    Edinburg North 2188

    Edgewood 284

    Edna 419

    El Campo 1070

    Eldorado 186

    Electra 166

    Elgin 960

    El Paso Andress 1974

    El P Del Valle 1961

    El Paso El Dorado 2361

    El Paso Palo Duro 1952

    El Paso Ysleta 1949

    Ennis 1,504.05

    Eustace 475

    Falfurrias 519

    Fairfield 514

    Floresville 1088

    Floydada 297

    Ft. Worth Arlington Heights 1905

    Ft. Worth Carter-Riverside 1016.5

    Ft. Worth Diamond Hill-Jarvis 903

    Ft. Worth Dunbar 997

    Ft. Worth Eastern Hills 1687.5

    Ft. Worth North Side 1652.5

    Ft. Worth Paschal 2277

    Ft. Worth Polytechnic 1148.5

    Ft. Worth South Hills 1415.5

    Ft. Worth Southwest 1586

    Ft. Worth Trimble Tech 1735

    Ft. Worth Western Hills 1614

    Ft. Worth O.D. Wyatt 1123

    Forney 1290

    Forestburg 54

    Foster 1749

    Frankston 235

    Fredericksburg 970

    Friona 337

    Frisco Frisco HS 1679

    Frisco Centrennial 1659

    Frisco Wakeland 865

    Frisco Liberty 801

    Frost 102

    Gainesville 828

    Galena Park 1718

    Galena Park North Shore 4150

    Ganado 200

    Garrison 202

    George West 375

    Geronimo Navarro 396

    Glen Rose 514

    Godley 385

    Gold-Burg 69

    Goldthwaite 158

    Goliad 434

    Gorman 103

    Graham 768

    Granbury 1995

    Grandview 331

    Grapeland 171

    Gregory-Portland 1344

    Gunter 304

    Hallettsville 379

    Hallsville 1183

    Hamlin 134

    Hardin 369

    Harlingen 2672

    Harlingen South 2157.5

    Harrold 42

    Harper 192.5

    Haskell 196

    Hawkins 199.5

    Hawley 230

    H.E.B. L.D. Bell 2709

    H.E.B. Trinity 2079

    Hebron 2168

    Henrietta 298

    Hermleigh 45

    Hewitt Midway 1,931.5

    Hico 232

    Hitchcock 368

    Holliday 268

    Houston Aldine 3000

    Houston Austin 1860

    Houston Eisenhower 3000

    Houston King 1366

    Houston MacArthur 3000

    Houston Memorial 3000

    Houston Westbury 3000

    Hubbard 163

    Huffman 991

    Hull Daisetta 183

    Huntsville 1843

    Idalou 256

    Ingram - Tom Moore 450

    Iowa Park 611

    Irving Nimitz 2078

    Irving MacArthur 2362

    Irving Irving 2448

    Italy 197

    Itasca 209

    Jacksboro 280

    Jarrell 198

    Jefferson 389.5

    Jesuit Dallas Jesuit Prep 2096

    Jim Ned 331

    Joaquin 185

    Johnson City 190

    Junction 214

    Justin Northwest 2218

    Keene 218

    Keller Keller HS 2789

    Keller Central 2370

    Keller Fossil Ridge 1921.5

    Kemp 483

    Kerens 198

    Kermit 339

    Kingsville King 1302

    Klein 3395.5

    Klein Collins 2964

    Klein Forest 3371

    Klein Oak 2300

    Knox City 86

    LaGrange 581

    Lake Dallas 1070

    Lake Travis 1640

    Lake Worth 669

    La Joya 5546

    La Villa 180

    Lamar Consolidated 1805

    Lampasas 1032.5

    Lancaster 1,671

    LaPoynor 142

    Laredo Alexander 2245

    Laredo Johnson 1783

    Laredo United 2635

    Laredo United South 2006

    La Vernia 780

    Leakey 70

    Lewisville Lewisville HS 3462

    Lewisville Marcus 2778

    Lewisville The Colony 1976

    Lewisville Hebron 2166

    Lewisville Flower Mound 2763

    Liberty Hill 599

    Lindale 990

    Little Elm 1010

    Livingston 1230

    Lockney 197

    Lorenzo 97

    Los Fresnos 2308

    Lovejoy 604

    Lubbock Roosevelt 330

    Lufkin 2348

    Lumberton 1018

    Lyford 433

    Lytle 440

    Mabank 898

    Magnolia 2842

    Malakoff 362

    Manor 992

    Mansfield Mansfield HS 2613

    Mansfield Summitt 2554

    Mansfield Timberview 2072

    Marble Falls 1050

    Marlin 378

    Mart 206

    Mason 198

    Maypearl 261

    McAllen 2223

    McAllen Memorial 2012

    McAllen Rowe 2132

    McCamey 170

    McKinney McKinney HS 1893

    McKinney Boyd HS 1430

    McKinney North HS 1776

    McGregor 325

    Medina Valley 908.5

    Megargel 30

    Merkel 409

    Mercedes 1301

    Mesquite Mesquite HS 2487.5

    Mesquite North Mesquite 2440

    Mesquite Horn 2055

    Mesquite Poteet 1684.5

    Mesquite West Mesquite 1661

    Midlothian 1,893

    Midway 46

    Milano 157

    Mildred 208

    Millsap 284

    Mission 1915

    Mission Sharyland 2222

    Moody 222

    Mt. Vernon 463

    Muleshoe 371.5

    Munday 132

    Nazareth 72

    Needville 794

    New Boston 416

    New Braunfels 1890

    New Braunfels Canyon 1601

    Newcastle 63

    Nocona 265

    Odem 340

    O'Donnell 122

    Orange Grove 463

    Olney 231

    Olton 191

    Ozona 240

    Palacios 476

    Palestine 908

    Pampa 1052

    Panhandle 223

    Paradise 306

    Paris High 979

    Paris North Lamar 1001.5

    Pasadena Memorial 2,385

    Pearsall 620

    Perrin-Whitt 122

    Petrolia 165

    Pharr-San Juan-Alamo 2230

    Pharr- SJA Memorial 2040

    Pharr - SJA North 2207

    Plano High 5122

    Plano East 5652

    Plano West 4156.5

    Pleasanton 944.5

    Port Arthur Memorial 2410

    Port Isabel 702

    Post 260

    Poth 240

    Pottsboro 407

    Prairie Valley 28

    Princeton 750

    Prosper 504

    Quanah 175

    Quinlan Ford 828

    Ralls 170

    Reagan County 241

    Red Oak 1,664

    Rice Consolidated 359

    Richardson Richardson HS 2186.5

    Richardson Lake Highlands 2547

    Richardson Pearce 1980

    Richardson Berkner 2915

    Rice 350

    Richmond Foster 1749

    Rio Grande City 2435

    Rio Hondo 643

    Rio Vista 285

    Rockport-Fulton 970

    Roma 1648

    Rockwall Rockwall HS 2468

    Rockwall Heath 1708

    Roscoe 114

    Rosenberg Lamar Cons 1805

    Rosenberg Terry 1749

    Rotan 116

    Rule 77

    Saint Jo 99

    Salado 404

    Sadler / Southmayde 296

    Saginaw Boswell 1805

    San Antonio Brackenridge 1850

    San Antonio Burbank 1138

    San Antonio Clark 2856.5

    San Antonio E. Central 2269

    San Antonio Edison 1734

    San Antonio Fox Tech 1736

    San Antonio Harlandale 1910.5

    San Antonio Health Careers 827

    San Antonio Highlands 2120

    San Antonio Holmes 2066.5

    San Antonio Houston 1037

    San Antonio Jay 2779

    San Antonio Jefferson 1850

    San Antonio Kennedy 1400

    San Antonio Lanier 1382

    San Antonio Marshall 2638.5

    San Antonio McCollum 1780

    San Antonio Memorial 1400

    San Antonio O'Connor 3193

    San Antonio Reagan 3400+

    San Antonio Southside 1300

    San Antonio Southwest 2600

    San Antonio Stevens 2650

    San Antonio Taft 2585.5

    San Antonio Warren 2736

    San Marcos 1990.5

    Sanger 727

    San Saba 242

    Schertz Clemens 1760

    Seminole 625

    Seven Lakes 1640

    Seymour 187

    Sinton 585

    Slaton 360

    Spearman 224

    Snyder 674

    Somerset 889

    Sonora 300

    South San Antonio 1814

    South San Antonio West 611

    Spring 3383.5

    Spring Westfield 4893

    Springtown 1076.5

    Stamford 198

    Stephenville 1065.5

    Sterling City 99

    Stinnett West Texas 220

    Sundown 160

    Sweeny 652

    Tahoka 216

    Tarkington 588

    Tatum 394

    Taylor 881

    Tenaha 96

    Terry 1749

    Texas High 1,720

    Throckmorton 69

    Timpson 202

    Trinidad 77

    Thorndale 185

    Tolar 187

    Tomball 2635

    Tornillo 253

    Troy 387

    Tulia 334

    Uvalde 1470

    Valley Mills 181.5

    Van Alstyne 417

    Vernon 603

    Vernon Northside 52

    Victoria Memorial 3665

    Waco 1831

    Waco Midway 1931

    Waskom 229

    Waxahachie 1,911

    Weatherford 2172

    West Hardin 176

    West Orange Stark 806

    Wharton 688

    Wheeler 103

    Whitewright 276

    Wichita Falls Hirshi 892

    Wills Point 808

    Winters 193

    Windthorst 145.5

    Woodsboro 153

    Woodson 45

    Woodville 377

    Wortham 127

    Wylie 2246.5

    Last Four UIL Enrollment Numbers:


    Class 5A: 1,925 and above

    Class 4A: 900 to 1,924

    Class 3A: 389 to 899

    Class 2A: 190 to 389

    Class A: 189 and below

    Six-man: 99.9 and below


    Class 5A: 1,910 and above

    Class 4A: 900 to 1,909

    Class 3A: 345 to 899

    Class 2A: 180 to 344

    Class A: 179 and below

    Six-man: 94.5 and below

    The 2000-2002:

    Class 5A: 1,865 and above.

    Class 4A: 845 to 1,864.

    Class 3A: 345 to 844.

    Class 2A: 170 to 344.

    Class 1A: 169 and below.

    The 1998-2000:

    Class 5A: 1,780 and above.

    Class 4A: 780 to 1,779.

    Class 3A: 345 to 779.

    Class 2A: 160 to 344.

    Class 1A: 159 and below.

    [Edited on 12-20-2005 by The Old Coach]

  9. 01:18 PM CST on Monday, December 19, 2005

    By DAMON L. SAYLES / The Dallas Morning News

    Southlake Carroll’s state championship win against Katy on Saturday secured back-to-back mythical national championships in two high school football polls.

    Carroll finished No. 1 in the National Prep Football Poll and the Student Sports Fab 50.

    Carroll has been No. 1 in the Fab 50 since the beginning of the 2004 season.

    Carroll (16-0) has won 63 of 64 games since becoming a 5A school in 2002. With Saturday’s 34-20 win against Katy, Carroll avenged its only loss, a 2003 setback in the state championship.

    Carroll became the fourth team to win at least two National Prep Football Poll championships, joining Concord, Calif., De La Salle (1994, 1998, 2000-04), Cleveland St. Ignatius (1993, 1995) and Hampton, Va. (1996-97).

    Carroll also became the sixth school in the Fab 50 poll to earn back-to-back national titles.

    Carroll's win capped an unprecedented season for area high school football.

    Ten area schools – five public and five private – achieved their ultimate goal. Seven of those squads finished undefeated, from Class 5A Southlake Carroll to Southwest Preparatory Conference Division II Irving Cistercian.

    "This is what every high school football player dreams about," Celina defensive lineman Cody Tomplait said after his 16-0 team capped the area's state-title spree with a 28-12 win over Omaha Paul Pewitt on Saturday night.

    Local teams swept the 5A and 4A titles, something no other quartet from the same area had accomplished since 4A adopted the two-division format in 1996. There was also an area sweep of the four TAPPS 11-man divisions, which last happened when local schools did it in 1993.

    The champions from the area came in all sorts of sizes and styles, with a variety of storylines.

    There were perennial powers. Celina tied Brownwood and Plano for the most state championships with seven after cruising to the 2A Division II crown. Southlake Carroll won 5A Division II for the third time in four seasons to claim the program's sixth state title. Arlington Grace Prep earned its fourth state title in eight seasons by winning TAPPS 4A Division II.

    And there were fresh faces. Hebron, a program in its sixth season, had never advanced past the second round before its run to the 4A Division II championship. Euless Trinity (5A Division I) and Plano Prestonwood (TAPPS Division III) also won state titles for the first time.

    Highland Park ended a 48-year title drought. Carroll and TAPPS Division I champion Fort Worth Nolan defended titles. Carroll actually defended two, repeating as mythical national champions.


    1. Southlake, Texas, Carroll 16-0-0 beat then-No. 10 Katy for third 5A/II title in 4 years 1

    2. Lakeland, Fla. 15-0-0 won second straight 5A crown 2

    3. Springdale, Ark. 14-0-0 5A state champ, outscored foes by average of 44-8 3

    4. Cincinnati, Ohio, St. Xavier 15-0-0 won first Division I state title 4

    5. Duncan, S.C., Byrnes 15-0-0 captured fourth straight 4A/2 state crown 5

    6. Charlotte, N.C., Independence 15-0-0 92 consecutive wins is 2nd best all-time 6

    7. Batesville, Miss., South Panola 15-0-0 45 straight wins, 3 straight 5A titles 7

    8. Frankfort, Ill., Lincoln-Way East 14-0-0 first 8A state title 8

    9. Ventura, Calif., St. Bonaventure 14-0-0 sixth CIF title in seven seasons 9

    10. Valdosta, Ga., Lowndes 14-1-0 two straight 5A state championships 11

    11. Hoover, Ala. 14-1-0 fourth 6A championship in a row 12

    12. Canyon Country, Calif., Canyon 13-1-0 captured CIF-SS Division II title 13

    13. Tulsa, Okla., Union 13-1-0 got third 6A crown in four years 14

    14. Ferndale, Wash. 14-0-0 earned 3A state championship 15

    15. Morris, Ill. 14-0-0 Class 6A state titlist 16

    16. Indianapolis, Ind., Warren Central 14-1-0 won third straight 5A crown 17

    17. Jersey City, N.J., St. Peter's 12-0-0 won Non-Public Group IV title 18

    18. Baltimore, Md., Gilman 9-0-0 only 7 points allowed in final six games 19

    19. Compton, Calif., Dominguez 13-1-0 earned CIF-SS Div. III title NR

    20. McKeesport, Pa. 14-2-0 rolled to 4A state championship 20

    21. Dallas, Texas, Highland Park 15-0-0 hammered Marshall, 59-0, for 4A/I crown 21

    22. West Monroe, La. 13-1-0 earned sixth 5A title in 13 seasons 22

    23. Cincinnati, Ohio, Colerain 10-2-0 both losses, by combined 10 points, to No. 4 St. Xavier 23

    24. Omaha, Neb., Millard North 12-1-0 Class A champ, avenged only loss 24

    25. Hyattsville, Md., DeMatha 11-1-0 captured 14th Washington Catholic title 25

    Northeast Region

    1. Jersey City, N.J., St. Peter's (12-0-0) (1)

    2. McKeesport, Pa. (14-2-0) (2)

    3. Harrisburg, Pa., Bishop McDevitt (13-1-0) (3)

    4. Brockton, Mass. (13-0-0) (4)

    5. Middletown, N.J., South (12-0-0) (5)

    6. Ramsey, N.J., Don Bosco Prep (11-1-0) (6)

    7. Montvale, N.J., St. Joseph Regional (11-1-0) (7)

    8. Phillipsburg, N.J. (12-0-0) (8)

    9. Murrysville, Pa., Franklin Regional (15-1-0) (9)

    10. Central Valley, N.Y., Monroe-Woodbury (12-0-0) (10)

    East Coast Region

    1. Duncan, S.C., Byrnes (15-0-0) (1)

    2. Charlotte, N.C., Independence (15-0-0) (2)

    3. Baltimore, Md., Gilman (9-0-0) (3)

    4. Hyattsville, Md., DeMatha (11-1-0) (4)

    5. Damascus, Md. (14-0-0) (5)

    6. Vienna, Va., Oakton (12-2-0) (6)

    7. Hampton, Va. (13-1-0) (7)

    8. Gaffney, S.C. (12-3-0) (8)

    9. Morgantown, W.Va. (14-0-0) (9)

    10. Charlotte, N.C., Catholic (16-0-0) (10)

    Southeast Region

    1. Lakeland, Fla. (15-0-0) (1)

    2. Batesville, Miss., South Panola (15-0-0) (2)

    3. Valdosta, Ga., Lowndes (14-1-0) (3)

    4. Hoover, Ala. (14-1-0) (4)

    5. West Monroe, La. (13-1-0) (5)

    6. Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., Nease (13-2-0) (6)

    7. Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. (13-1-0) (7)

    8. Maryville, Tenn. (15-0-0) (8)

    9. Homewood, Ala. (15-0-0) (9)

    10. Statesboro, Ga. (15-0-0) (10)

    Midwest Region

    1. Cincinnati, Ohio, St. Xavier (15-0-0) (1)

    2. Frankfort, Ill., Lincoln-Way East (14-0-0) (2)

    3. Morris, Ill. (14-0-0) (3)

    4. Indianapolis, Ind., Warren Central (14-1-0) (4)

    5. Cincinnati, Ohio, Colerain (10-2-0) (5)

    6. Massillon, Ohio, Washington (13-2-0) (6)

    7. Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Brother Rice (12-2-0) (7)

    8. Mount Prospect, Ill., Prospect (13-1-0) (8)

    9. Racine, Wis., Park (13-1-0) (9)

    10. Louisville, Ky., Trinity (13-2-0) (10)

    Midlands Region

    1. Omaha, Neb., Millard North (12-1-0) (1)

    2. Plymouth, Minn., Wayzata (13-1-0) (2)

    3. Peculiar, Mo., Raymore-Peculiar (13-0-0) (3)

    4. West Des Moines, Iowa, Valley (13-0-0) (4)

    5. Salina, Kan., Central (13-0-0) (5)

    6. Castle Rock, Colo., Douglas County (13-1-0) (6)

    7. Creve Coeur, Mo., DeSmet (11-2-0) (7)

    8. Highlands Ranch, Colo., ThunderRidge (14-0-0) (8)

    9. Boise, Idaho, Bishop Kelly (12-0-0) (9)

    10. Sioux Falls, S.D., O'Gorman (13-0-0) (10)

    Southwest Region

    1. Southlake, Texas, Carroll (16-0-0) (1)

    2. Springdale, Ark. (14-0-0) (2)

    3. Tulsa, Okla., Union (13-1-0) (4)

    4. Dallas, Texas, Highland Park (15-0-0) (5)

    5. Euless, Texas, Trinity (14-1-0) (6)

    6. Katy, Texas (14-1-0) (3)

    7. Phoenix, Ariz., Brophy (13-1-0) (7)

    8. Chandler, Ariz., Hamilton (13-1-0) (8)

    9. Las Cruces, N.M., Mayfield (14-0-0) (9)

    10. Las Vegas, Nev. (14-1-0) (10)

    West Coast Region

    1. Ventura, Calif., St. Bonaventure (14-0-0) (1)

    2. Canyon Country, Calif., Canyon (13-1-0) (2)

    3. Ferndale, Wash. (14-0-0) (3)

    4. Compton, Calif., Dominguez (13-1-0) (4)

    5. Sammamish, Wash., Skyline (14-0-0) (5)

    6. Concord, Calif., De La Salle (11-2-0) (6)

    7. Kahuku, Hawaii (11-1-0) (7)

    8. Westlake Village, Calif., Oaks Christian (13-0-0) (8)

    9. Los Angeles, Calif., Loyola (10-4-0) (9)

    10. Portland, Ore., Jesuit (13-1-0) (10)

    Dropped out: None.

    FEATS OF THE WEEK: No. 1 Southlake, Texas, Carroll defeated then-No. 10 Katy, 34-20, to secure its third Class 5A/II state championship in four years and second consecutive National Prep Poll title. A crowd of 29,840 at Texas Stadium watched Carroll senior quarterback Greg McElroy pass for four touchdowns, bringing his season total to a 5A record 56. With the win, Carroll avenged its only loss since becoming a Class 5A school. (Katy defeated Carroll, 16-15, in the 2003 Division II final.) Carroll's six playoff foes finished with a combined record of 71-8-0. The Dragons have now won 63 of their last 64 games and are the fourth Texas team to win a Prep Poll title. It is the third time a team has won at least two Prep Poll titles in a row. . . .

    Past National Prep Poll champs, with records and coaches:

    1987--Fontana, Calif. (14-0-0), Dick Bruich

    1988--Prichard, Ala., Vigor (13-0-0), Harold Clark

    1989--Odessa, Texas, Permian (16-0-0), Gary Gaines

    1990--Aldine, Texas (15-0-0), Bill Smith

    1991--Indianapolis, Ben Davis (14-0-0), Dick Dullaghan

    1992--Valdosta, Ga. (14-0-0), Nick Hyder

    1993--Cleveland, St. Ignatius (14-0-0), Chuck Kyle

    1994--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (13-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    1995--Cleveland, St. Ignatius (14-0-0), Chuck Kyle

    1996--Hampton, Va. (14-0-0), Mike Smith

    1997--Hampton, Va. (13-0-0), Mike Smith

    1998--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (12-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    1999--Shreveport, La., Evangel (15-0-0), Dennis Dunn

    2000--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (13-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    2001--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (12-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    2002--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (13-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    2003--Concord, Calif., De La Salle (13-0-0), Bob Ladouceur

    2004--Southlake, Texas, Carroll (16-0-0), Todd Dodge

    2005--Southlake, Texas, Carroll (16-0-0), Todd Dodge.

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