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Posts posted by OrangeFBfan

  1. You know, after voting "For" on both issues at hand, I've gotta say how disappointed I am in the lack of voter turn out in our school district and community, and WHY bond No. 1 was as close as it was!  Who in their right mind would vote against improving the WOCCISD's facilities and giving our kids the very best?

    I guess I'm ok with the decision not to have turf at Dan R. Hook’s stadium (for now), but I'm just completely speechless at how friggin' close issue No.1 really was...  Thank you to ALL of you that voted "For" on both issues!  A HUGE thank you, to all of the true WO-S supporters out there, congrats and let’s celebrate our children’s future! :D

  2. Who are you people?  This is not healthy trash talking'.  It's plain and simple.  UNTIL someone KO'S WO-S from their string of 3-A district wins, the Wildcat's have not earned the right to expect the least bit of respect from any Mustang fan on this board.  Good luck to both ball clubs.  The Mustang offense is coming together, and I suspect they'll play 4 quarters of Mustang football from here on out.  The "D" is awesome. 

    My prediction: Mustangs 34 - Wildcats 19 ;)

  3. Both WO-S 9th and JV squads are depleted due to guys being moved up to the varsity level.  The JV squad only suited out 17 to begin with.  You had several freshmen moving up to play JV ball.  It's all good competition for those freshmen boys moving up to play kids with at least 1-2 years high school ball under their belt.  It'll make them that much stronger for their varsity run in a couple years!  Go' Stangs  ;D

  4. Tonight’s WO-S game fan assessment...  Bad offensive play calling, idiotic refs, poor execution by the offensive line when it counted, BIG defensive and offensive line(s) for Bay City (Certainly was a factor on the Mustang offensive line all night). Simple reasons, in NO particular order.  The 'Stangs will be just fine when district begins, but still have a ways to go, before the teams gels (And it will).  The players, will have to continue to solidify their play / conditioning, and somehow overcome (once again) our OC’s child like play calling, as if he's playing NCAA Football '07 every game.  It’s ridiculous… ???

  5. The WOCCISD as a whole is on the up-swing as far as enrollment.  Some are saying partly due to the newly instated Inspire-12 educational program.  With family working in the district on several levels (Jr. High, High School etc.) the district has had an increase so far this year alone of 179 additional student’s district wide, with the vast majority of the students entering the district from the elementary level and Jr. High.  Time will tell, but if this trend continues, WO-S will continue at the 3-A level or eventually move up to 4-A once again.  The sky’s the limit! ;D

  6. Wow...  what a tough playing surface.  After the game, we were on the playing surface, and what a MESS!  I had boots on, and my feet were covered in swamp like conditions.  I don't know how either team performed at all.  Great game and atmosphere!  Congrats to both ball clubs.  

    As for WO-S, those boys deserve more than what that "Offensive Coordinator" is giving them...  Come on Hooks, this is your ball club, right?  Then do something about that darn spread offense, it just ain’t cuttin’ the mustard on nights like tonight.  When your power running game late in the 4th quarter is virtually unstoppable, stick with what gotcha there...  Enough is enough!  It’s long over due for a change.  We (WO-S fans) DO NOT want to see a repeat of Giddings in ’06! :-\

  7. This 9th grade group at WO-S is something special.  Give 'em a couple years, and you're gonna see one heck of a Mustang squad take the field on Fridays!  Great job 9th grade team!  By the way, the TD LC-M scored was on defense.  The ball was stripped by the defender and LC-M ran it in from about 15 yards out.  WO-S so far this season has not allowed an offensive TD.  ;D

  8. BOJO...  Couldn't find their own nickname without altering some other school's rallying cry? i.e. Odessa Permian Panthers, MOJO.  It’s so non-original, like LC-North Oranges football program.  In the spirit of good fun and competition…  Best of luck to ya bears.  You guys will need it.  Go 'Stangs! 8)

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