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the wise one

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Posts posted by the wise one

  1. Very tough one to pick based off of the scores.  I went with home team.  Playoff implications in this one.  Is Colmesneil good enough to make the playoffs this year?  This district seems down a lot this year.

    colmesniel is pretty good they have good size and thier runningbacks are prolly the fastest in the district but they are pretty predictable with what they do but with that being said i predict them to get 2nd in district and play evadale closer than anyone else in the district

  2. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as the transfer is legal which means the kid moves into the district if a family want to go through the trouble of moveing just so thier kid has fun and wins at high school sports why not. And besides it happens in beaumont all the time. I know two twin boys that lived in the same house and one of them went to Ozen because he was a very good basketball player and the other went to central

  3. it is very true that HD always seem to make games close when they shouldn't be in the game that's why they have a chance tonight. But yes i believe that Evadale has the more talented team. I don't think this game will be that close i see a two touchdown win by the rebs now if the game would be played at HD i  think i would lean more toward HD, they are always very tough at home

  4. I didn't say Evadale was a bad team.I said it was easy to see why Spurger and Sabine Pass were the best 2 in the district.All I've heard about Evadale is a fuss about someone who moved and someone who quit.FYI ,if they both came back the Rebels are still no better than the 3rd place club in this district which is where they will be without them.One more observation,I didn't see anyone on last years Evadale club that could start for EC.So hopefully everyone is where they want to be so we can get the season started.I agree CATMAN,25-a could easily represent region 4 at the drum this year.

    I hope so this has arguably been the best district in the state for about the last 3 or 4 years yet BS is the only team to win the region so hopefully someone can break through this year and rep setx

  5. My picks for the playoffs is Evadale, Daisetta, and its out of West hardin and High Island.....thats my playoff picks

    My pick in order is

    1 evadale

    2 WH

    3 HD

    2 and 3 might be reversed i have seen both teams play and i think that WH has the better team, but WH has to go to HD and for some reason always seem to play thier worst game of the year there

  6. i dont know mucy about these two teams this year but all i do know is that if Brey was a Div 1 reciever in california than that means he is a heck of an athlete and head and shoulders better than anyone HD has. So in my openion that kountze and HD without brey are preety even but adding the kind of athlete brey is then Kountze wins this one by 2 touchdowns

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