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Posts posted by 9MMHoops

  1. KHSAlum makes a good point.  The press doesn't seem to bother VA - they don't turn the ball over just because they are pressed.  However, they like to take risks on offense and I personally think their passes are sloppy because of that.  ECC needs to play fundamental defense and wait for the sloppy passes because they won't have to wait long.

    4) They are fairly tall, but they are mostly skinny and with the exception of Boling and their center (Hensley), they are not what I'd call "strong."  BTW, speaking of tall, the 6'8" center that played for Faith Family had at least 10 blocks in the game against VA.

    5) Boling was an All-Stater last year (and will likely be one again this year), but he has not been the MVP in the playoffs - that would go to the center - Hensley.  Found out that his dad was an OL at Baylor and that must be where this kid gets his toughness.  He's only 6'2, but tough as nails and basically won the last game in the 4th with his tough play under the basket and clutch FT's. 

    The Roster: 

    Somebody put a copy of the roster up above, but I think that is last year's roster as the Jones boy isn't playing this year.  But they are basically the same team that beat Ponder last year and lost to Brock in the Regional Finals.  They only graduated one starter from last year, and these boys really play together as a team - they are not a bunch of lone rangers trying to pad their stats.

    Advice to beat VA:

    - When you take the floor for warmups, you'll look across the way and see a bunch of skinny young men that don't even look that athletic (mostly) - don't underestimate them.  If you get cocky and think you've got it in the bag, they will drain five 3's to start the game and take all the wind out of your sails.

    - Be focused and play your game regardless of the score - VA had Life down by 20 pts in the 3rd and I thought the game was over.  VA went cold and Life brought it back to a 6 pt game.  

    - Sounds too simple, but you've got to make your FT's.  VA will.

    - Don't get sloppy.  In the 4th, when you are tired, if your passes aren't crisp you'll get burned.  Boling loves to take 4th period steals all the way for a dunk.  

    - Don't let their crowd get in your head.  I'm not kidding - this sounds ridiculous but I've never heard a louder crowd and their student section goes bonkers.  They even have a name for them - VAVAT (Van Alstyne Verbal Assault Team).  I'm not kidding.  I can't even sit on the same side as the VA fans because I don't want people to think I'm one of them. 

    Ok, it's time for me to shut up and give some other folks a chance here.  If you'll want to make me a happy grandpa, take it to the boys from VA.  I'll be sitting on the ECC side on Thursday and I'll be wearing a green Thomas Moore Feed hat. 


  2. New-comer to this forum.  My wife says I'm too old to be jackin' around with this but I love bb and would like to offer up an opinion.  My granddad used to say, "Your opinion and a nickel will get you a cup of coffee."  So take it for what it's worth.

    I've actually seen VA play a lot this year because my buddy lives there....and I only live 5 miles away (Anna) so I had a lot of opportunity to watch these boys. 

    I'm not a fan, because these boys have been beating my team for too many years.  But I do have a couple of observations:

    1) They also press like h*ll...best press I've seen through the playoffs.  I actually got to watch multiple playoff games and not sure anybody is faster/quicker than Faith Family out of Dallas and Waxahatchie Life.  When VA pressed, they shut 'em down.  However, not taking away from FF and Life, but VA got an easy bracket.  Just sayin...

    2) They love to run.  Their game is super-fast.  They don't seem to play as well when slowed down, which is what Faith Family did most of the game and it "almost" worked.  If VA plays their game they have a chance to win any game they are in.  When forced to slow down, they just don't have the opportunity to take as many shots and it gets 'em out of their rhythm.

    3) Most of the team has really strong ball-handling skills.  Boling is unbelievable - he can do it all.  But when teams try to shut him down, five of their players, including Boling's brother (soph) start rippin' 3's.  They've just flat-out got shooters all over the floor.

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