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Everything posted by bmeoamr

  1. Yeah, Rowell seems the logical choice for MVP. Kid had an incredible year. 22-4A MVP, broke school record for highest batting average (.535 for yr. over .600 in district), tied school record for homers (11), right at 50 RBI. Chosen for THSBCA All-Star game! AWESOME!!!!!!
  2. Neither team played their best and the plate ump was horrible with BOTH teams getting the bad calls. Regarding the LCM fans being bad sports what about the cheap shot to the LCM catcher? Seems to me that was poor sportsmanship. at it's worst. #1 had plenty of time to avoid that obvious plow. THAT was the incident that set LCM off. Nederland has a strong team for sure but you get what you put out and you can't expect a to win a game when it's played like that.
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