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Posts posted by Cardfan

  1. I agree parents need to allow the coaches to coach.  there is nothing wrong if you want to go watch your kid at practice but please let the coaches do there job.  It is hard as a parent to let our kids grow up and at time we may have to relieze that a certain sport is not for our children.  I watched for many of years at the little leauge level parents treating their children as if they were getting paid by the pros alot of times the same parents forgot that all of the children should have been out there having fun.  A child at some point and time will understand that a sport may not be for them and if they do parents it is OK.  Hopefully they will pick something that they enjoy doing and good at.

  2. I have worked in the substance abuse field and handled UAs.  I didn't think that the final results took this long, so my next question is...when were the samples obtained?  If it was not in March or April (when all of this came to light), then the powers that be could have saved their time, money, and resources. 

    As for the testing beginning this school year... the news tonight stated that the testing may be postponed until after football season because of the insufficient amount of time there is and OTC supplements possible testing false-positive.  HMMMMMM.....if you don't test for football season...what's the point.  As I stated earlier...they need to keep on track because anyone who is an athlete and who has a coach worth anything will educate their athletes about the risk of any of these supplements causing them to fail a drug test.  It amazes me just how efficient our lawmakers are...SARCASM, of course. ???

    I could not agree with you more]

  3. If this comes to light and I am sure it will I hope the punishment fits the wrong doing.  I have 2 kids in the BC school district and so many times I have sit back and watched kids get away with murder in this town.  I just hope this will be the same punishment that it would be for ANY child in the district not just the few chosen in.  What I am confused about is I have read where they have spoke with every child from 7th grade up but like I said I have 2 children who have no recollection of that conversation.  Why doesn't this surprise me.  And before any one questions I am a grad of BC and my kids have attend from K- till now.

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