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  1. I am # 66 the one from WH who is being blamed for "stomping" Chad :'(. My coaches and team mates know me better than that, so ya'll need to move on with ya'lls life and quit making excuses on why ya'll lost to a 1A school. By the way #38 I dont WALK FUNNY!
  2. No offense to Zach or Brando but nobody thinks that we wil be any good without those 2 but to all u non-belivers ya'll just come out on friday night and watch the Oilers do just as good without those 2. We will be district champs once again and about the WH-HD game the senior class has NEVER lost to them. JUST KEEP THAT IN MIND!!!!!
  3. Everybody thinks that WH will be no good because we don't have Zach or Brandon but u come and watch us play on Friday night and we will show all of ya'll non-belivers what a good WH football team we are without those 2. No offense to yall.
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