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Posts posted by VP93....

  1. What should happen is STJFL should find out who RUZY09 is and banned them from the games. People like this has no business at little league football games. Not only is he an embarrassment to Lumberton he also and embarrassment to the Fans who like to watch the game.


    Haven't you embarrassed yourself and Lumberton enough?  Give it a rest.

  2. Are you kidding me, deserved it, in front of KIDS...I don't think so.....

    [quote author=Ruzy link=topic=45730.msg469430#msg469430 date=1226860388

    Thetragichippy said it just like it happen. The girl that was called a B happen to be my cousin also. I have seen the tape of what had happen. Its a shame u cant even go to a dang pee wee game anymore because u have to many idoit parents that just cant let the kids play instead they have to run there heads. u can only take so much of some ones crap and when enough is enough they keep on. i know what happen wasnt the right thing but i am glad that ole roid head got popped then choked down u get what u deserve but if the refs would control the game nothin would happen they are just there for extra money im sure. so for all u bc fans that think its all lumberton then u need to rethink what happen it started before the game even started bc running there mouths. there were quite a few suspension made also

  3. I saw the coaching staff of two local 8&9 yr old Football teams get into a fight Sat. on the field while both teams were still on  the field. I was speechless, Cops were called and charges were filed. YET no one went to jail!! The most disgusting thing about this was I heard coaches afterward saying how "that was old school football" Are you Kidding me?? Then I saw kids talking and saying how cool that was that it was like the UFC. I was shocked that the coaches were not so ashamed that they dug a hole and crawled in it. Instead I heard the coaches from the team that was losing at the time the game was stopped ask one of the Men in charge if it was a double forfeit instead of a loss since it was stopped in the 4th 1/4. I could only shake my head since he was one of the coaches that had started the fight on the other teams sideline. I was told that the other guys were mouthing off first!! LOL But this one teams coaches and parents still ran all the way across the field to be in this fight. I think all involved should be banned from the league. What are we teaching our kids? That if someone says something you don't like its ok to Hit (assault) them?? All of you involved should be proud of yourselves. 


    THIS WAS ON ANOTHER SITE :( good job guys...

  4. Man, LJF boardmembers going out and doing things on there own without taking it to the board to vote on it. Nothing against the other video group, But I've seen what Sheffield Productions can do and there good.

    No, we had set them up but we did not know that Silsbee had already set up a guy of there own, (the same company that did the superbowl in Kelly Stadium a couple of years ago) and he is doing it for free at $15 a DVD verses $500 and $25 a DVD with some of the money going to Silsbee who is also paying a $1,000.00 for the stadium so we cancelled Sheffield as Silsbee is hosting and we did not wish to step on there toes.

    I hope this is acceptable?

    Don't ya just love those who "think" they know everything and start pointing the fingers at others when they have no clue.

      Good look Claude this Saturday.

  5. Video guy is this jsut for the seniors or the other series as well? We are new to this.

    I hear Ned got the Superbowl this year as well as 1 st round playoffs

    Sheffield Productions has been booked to tape both 1st round play-offs and the Superbowl at Bulldog Stadium.  Just like last season;  use of Bulldog's big screen video board has been approved and DVDs will be sold and made that day.   Sheffield Productions experienced multi-camera crew  and multi-view replay capabilities along with anouncers Charlie Jehlen and Danny Bellow will be on hand to do the honors. 

    Last year's Superbowl was a fun experience for all and we are pleased that STJFL has asked us back.   

    Good luck to all players still in the play-offs .  .  . "see ya at Jerry Mallory Field ( Bulldog stadium) ".

    ooooh yeah, I would love to have a video of the Junior Blues game(s); especially if they do make it to the SuperBowl.  Please, let us know the answer to that

    They will do all the games.

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