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Posts posted by sportsdad81

  1. Again,errors for H-F kept Central in this one. But the bats came alive finally for H-F. We're getting there slowly.

    Daigle had a good day at the plate,2 hits,one for a HR,like 4 rbi's

    Pinder went 2 for 3 again, 5 for 9 for the tournament

    Eaves still strong at the plate with 2 hits,an rbi

    Courville hits like a maniac,pure power,2 doubles on a line to the fence

    Freshman Markum with a double and 2 rbi's,he's gonna be good

    Lalonde went 2 for 3,rbi double

    G.Manaldi also swinging the bat good with a hit,and bunt sac

  2. Way to go H-F,we showed some improvement lastnight with the 12-2 win.

    Looks like Taylor Eaves went either 3-3 or 3-4,4 rbi's

    Freshman Kyle Markum went 2-3 1 rbi

    Derek Lalonde went 2-3

    Garrett Minaldi went 2-4 1 rbi

    Hagan Daigle had a hit with 2 rbi's

    Jeremy Pinder had a hit with 1 rbi

    Randell Courville crushed the ball tonight hard,with an rbi and a hit,way to step up Randell

    We play Central today at 3:00  Get em Horns

  3. Thats what I'm talking about Coop. Lets keep up the good work on SETXSPORTS and pump up this areas ball players. We have alot of talent and good coaches,I'm excited about this year and 21-3a should be some great games again this year. No matter what has been said on this thread,the majority of us or positive and excited about baseball this year. And we are gonna have most of the starting line up next year also. So I'm really excited about the next two years,we're excited about our coach too. We stand behind all our teams here in the Golden Triangle,it makes us all look good. Positive,Positive,Positive.

  4. Hey Coop,this use to be such a positive thing for our community,some of these post are getting to be all negative. I deleted my post on this subject. I hate that our kids have to read what people post here. And they wonder why our programs fall off some. If these guys are parents common sense should tell them positive is way better than all this negative. I couldnt wait for baseball season to start,and alot of other people on here. Go Horns

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