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Everything posted by eagle12

  1. Just wondering if there has been any talk of who will be on varsity this year...It has been really quiet on here so I am curious because I know they have a scrimmage coming up and not sure who is playing where?
  2. Matt Hicks was pulled up as a freshmen and he was well deserving because he has amazing ability...do you think Zoch is the same caliber pitcher as Hicks?
  3. My bad....they were on freshman, but shouldn't have been....it was basically called the "sophomore team"
  4. If you are in the baseball class then you know exactly who I am talking about....there are 2 boys that did extremely well on JV last yr and could have easily played with the varsity. I am not going to mention names, but if you are actually in the class I am VERY sure you know who I am talking about. They are outstanding athletes and very good kids all around!
  5. I know of several sophomores who should move up and could have even played last year on the team...I wouldn't think freshman would go above them and it seems convenient his nephew is one mentioned. And who could the other be? I have been around these kids for years and I can't think of any freshman that would qualify for varsity especially above some of the sophomores!!!!!
  6. I really disagree with you on the receivers not giving effort to catch the ball. I was at nearly EVERY game and I saw several time #3 bust his butt to catch a ball that he shouldn't have even gone for and then they had to ice down his back and soon after he went back in the game for another round....not to mention the same for #11. They would jump in the air to catch a ball that wasn't thrown anywhere near them. I think the defense needs work, but they tried too! The QB threw probably nearly 30 interceptions or more......YOU CAN'T BLAME THE RECEIVERS FOR THAT!!!!!.
  7. BC also has Rhodes coming up - he's only a sophomore a lot of young talent on the way for BC! I think they should have a great season!!!!!
  8. the stats for Bridge City are incorrect....there are several kids who have the incorrect info - I know several receivers do not have all of the yardage they have earned noted and the qb doesn't have all of the interceptions noted (only about a 3rd are on there). Who is in charge of reporting the stats? Seems like they are really off and should be corrected.
  9. another website - maxpreps.com has stats posted and it has Breaux with 15 int. I think it's not fair to the rest of the team to say it's not his fault. when receivers are open and it is directly thrown to the opposing team, there is no one else to blame. My vote goes to Johnson from Silsbee as well!
  10. I don't either, just a fan! I agree with you though and I as well am pulling for the Cards each and every game! That's what fans do!
  11. Be careful Rowdy what you say...................you will be the next to get attacked for saying that! And accused of being a "mommie crying cause her little baby didn't get mentioned" and being a "spoiled brat"!!!!! BUT..................you just said it ALL in a nutshell! And heres hoping we have a whole football field of "best athletes on the field" and win this one Friday night! And to the guys that go out week in and week out and give it everything they have...........don't stop believing in yourselves and your team. You have all shown what the true meaning of "class" is. Go get 'em Cards! I also do not believe the players are losing respect or not being respected by the community and their families! I think many people go to the games and watch these kids each every week and see the ones with heart, pride and believe in everyone on the team. I think the back up qb might be the answer, because every game the starter is injured and can't complete the game.
  12. I am not a mom or parent at all complaining or whining about a kid....I am a huge sports fan and know football and what being a team player is all about! I have been to every BC game and know the kids that bust their butt each every Friday night! I think the response was directed at person on the first page that posted that BC qb was the best athlete and was carrying the team -and people have certainly taken offense to the fact that by no means can ONE player carry the team. That statement was way off base considering all of the boys who DO their job and play injured until the time runs out in the 4th quater no matter how many points they are down! Good luck BC and keep your heads up, remember this is a team sport and each and everyone of you do YOUR job to carry the team and show you own style of leadership no matter what position you are playing!
  13. Grow up??? Are you kidding??? It has nothing to do with growing up, it is about someone saying that ONE particular person carries the team and that is IMPOSSIBLE! I never said the qb was a bad kid or person or never personally attacked him. I just think credit needs to be given where it's due and in my opinion (as well as many others) it hasn't been. Like on a post a few days ago, its strange the same people get hurt when the team is down by 20, pay attention, it's not hard to tell who they are talking about - it doesn't take a genius!!!!!
  14. I completely disagree with this statement! No one player actually can carry the team, and I would have to say the wide receivers have carried the qb the majority of the season by busting their butts to make catches that are injuring them! I would credit some of the best athletes to a couple of WR & running backs running themselves to death and never leaving the game and doing what it takes to support the team and actually have pride! BC needs a qb thats a leader!!!!!!
  15. I am doubting that they are busting their tails each and every day, but it seems what they are doing isn't working. The combination they have put together isn't working with the talent the team has. I just think with the new coach, new offense that various combinations should be looked at because right now interceptions are killing the team. Many times there are open receivers who aren't even looked at and the ball is thrown away or intercepted.
  16. I think BC will struggle all year with winning a game unless they remedy the QB situation – interceptions seem to be a problem with the starting and backup. A team cannot turn the ball over that many times and expect to win. I am not saying the QB is the only issue, but a big one. I also believe the BC has a lot of talent, but most of the time it isn't being used, just my opinion!
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