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Everything posted by batterup

  1. If it aint broke, don't fix it. The problem with mechanical comments like that is that it gets in a kid's head and THEY try to correct it in small increments until they have totally undone what was working for them all along. I agree with the old coach 100%
  2. looks like great minds think alike-sorry to step on your toes, your post wasn't up when I replied. But it is funny you posted that, it is "eggo", not "EGO" Oh well, as someone brilliant once posted on the Vidor thread, "touche" How manly.
  3. Has to be PNG -vs- Vidor for the 3rd play-off spot in 4A. Should be a great match-up with so much on the line.
  4. This thread should be fun to read as it develops. It is probably like asking a group of grandmothers who has the cutest grandchild. If a kid is starting on a winning team, that coach is the best. If the kid is starting on a losing team, the coach is an idiot. If the kid is sitting the bench on a team win or lose, the coach should be fired.
  5. God bless this team, the families and all of those touched by this tragedy. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
  6. I have engaged in that very discussion on this board in the past. I am trying to look out for the kids that I see overthrown and at risk for career ending injuries. I have discussed how it "turns my stomach" to see kids throw complete games in the first tournament of the season and I have also discussed enforcing a limit on pitches for all age groups (little league on up). Weighted balls is just one more issue that I feel could cause young pitchers to be at risk. So again, I ask, why do it at all in the younger age group if it is risky? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM indeed.
  7. You say "no one knows" why some of the players mentioned had to have Tommy John surgery-but if weighted balls could even have the potential to cause a problem-why use them?
  8. Capt. K- The players you have mentioned are college aged. The ones I would be concerned about using the weighted ball are younger kids still growing. I just don't think I would want my son practicing with a weighted ball until he has reached adult height (if at all). There is a condition in the knee called Osgood-Schlatter where the tendons in the knee literally can't keep up with a child's growing bones. It is worsened by repetative stress to the area through sports, etc. Like I said, I don't know of any scientific data to back up what I am saying, but I would just think that while an adolescent boy is still growing, the last thing you would want to do is add even more stress to tendons or ligaments that are having trouble "keeping up" even before they are put through the repeated throwing movements of pitching. Adding a weighted ball just seems risky. Not trying to step on anyone's toes-just an opinion. You may not even utilize this method to the age group I am referring to.
  9. Earlier this season there was an article posted on here about a high school coach being sued by parents-I can't remember what for. I wonder if any coaches (private or high school) have ever been sued by parents claiming arm problems are due to questionable techniques to improve velocity. I'm no expert, but weighted balls don't sound like they would mix well with growing arms in adolescent ball players.
  10. I'm a BC fan as well, but have watched HF play. The last thing we need to do is go into this game over-confident. The Longhorns are one of the hardest working teams in the district and have an excellent record coming in to this match-up.
  11. I agree. It is a shame, but if you have a kid that loves a sport, you know that in a large school, the competition will be tough to get in the line up. If you don't start them early and get them in every league known to man as well as private lessons, they probably can't compete with the ones that have done all of that and with those rare "natural athletes". So you put them in every league, every season and you find that most of the select teams are sponsored by big money and the coaches are paid better than the high school coaches in many cases. Many are paid bonuses for winning. Thus, the ethical issue...do you win at all cost to get the big bonus and forget about the kid's future in high school, college and possibly beyond? Or do you watch the pitch count and protect the kid's arm? It should be a no-brainer, but unfortunately, that isn't what happens most of the time. I worry about pitchers these days because of this. I think some sort of pitch count should be enforced in every league at every age to protect these kids. Some coaches will watch out for their kids, but not enough do. I saw too many high school players pitch complete games in the first tournament of the season-it turns my stomach. If you are worried about winning every game at the expense of the player's health, you are in the wrong line of work.
  12. I heard he quit because he didn't get a varsity jersey. That is too bad, I am sure not many of the younger kids did with all the returning starters, but he probably would have been an asset to varsity next year.
  13. Give the cards some credit, we all have bad days. Maybe not the team initially predicted, but still a very good ball club, especially with their ace on the mound. Probably would have been in their best interest to have faced better pitching and all around better competition for the last tournament before district, but I'm sure they will step it up in time for the part of the season that really matters.
  14. I think HF can give anyone in their district a run for their money. I have little doubt they will be in the play-offs. I feel there will be lots of upsets this season in this tough district. Tough team, hardworking coaching staff.
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