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Posts posted by rhino1877

  1. About 3 years ago we were playing in the PNG JV tournament against Nederland. There was a deep fly ball hit to right field and th kid who was out there is a very good athlete, not a very good baseball player. He is camped under the ball and just moves his glove to find the ball..... Of course the ball hits him right in the forehead and flattens him. The ball lands in between certer field and 2nd base. I went running out of the dugout to check on the kid and when I made it to him he was laughing. I told him it wasn't funny, and he asked if anyone caught it. We all laughed. He seemed to be ok. Or so we thought. About an inning later we hear him talking, funny thing was there was no one around him. He kept up a conversation with someone, but we still don't know who!
  2. WOS is losing 2 of the 3 running backs and one wide out. The Offensive line are all seniors but one. Offensively they are losing 6... So 6 remain, not including the ones that played alot. Defensively they are losing the defensive tackles and one defensive end, and that leaves 8 starters back. Normally the Sophomores (lynch and Woodson) started at line backer. These are the starters. So there are 14 returners..... If I can add right...LOL
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