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Posts posted by hfaninthestands

  1. Well lets see...........Hamshire Fannett had all of 3 freshman try out for their baseball team.  We went from three teams last year, to barely being able to field a jv and varsity team.  That doesn't say much for our baseball program.  Its looking pretty bleak for the years to come.  By the way, one of the 3 freshman quit already.   

    Three freshman, come on, there has to be more than that?

  2. Usually you have to play Little League in the same town you live. So, that marks out Orangefield and WOS when it comes to the early grooming of BC players


    When you plan out a schedule you dont know what kind of team you will be facing. Just because you're bad one year doesn't guarantee you will bad the next. "That is why you play the game!" Thanks Herm.

    ask anahuac that question

    I was taking care of my baby, jackass

    spoken like a true jerk

    This was a scrimmage. A glorified practice that means nothing on paper. The score was for some fan in the stand. I guess the starters should never take  batting practice during the week since it will never do them any good. They shouldn't work pitch counts, bunts, hit and runs, or react while running bases in a "simulated" game atmosphere

    you are contridicting yourself here pal.....

  3. IMHO...

    Bridge City, always loaded with Division Talent that has been groomed since they were 9 years old in the BCOFWOSLL...State Finalist in 3A....

    Lumberton, horrible year last year, bad team this year....

    Why would anyone schedule this game from a BC standpoint...

    when the game begins to get out of hand, here is how you fix it....you let the worst 5 hitters on your varsity team, usually the guys that are there to stare at the stat girl, and buy the beer after the game, and you let them hit over and over and over.....eventually, the law of averages will take over and the inning will end...it is completely unecessary to score 4 touchdowns in a baseball scrimmage...

    the starters aren't going to get better b/c of one at bat facing a righty throwing 73...not going to happen...

    i have more...

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