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Everything posted by shortstuff

  1. I am amazed at how quickly we can let things get out of control. I do agree that the inequality does exist in high schools across the state, and for that matter the nation. In our society we place male athletes on billboards and give the everything, yet the female athlete is lucky if she gets to play in college; for her most likely goal after college is the weekend city league. I wonder, how many of us are truly making sure that every decision we make is with the kids in mind. Until, we as a society, deal with the inequalities in the professional sports world, the inequalities will exist inthe beginning levels as well. We all are very much aware of the talent displayed week after week on the local fields in the area. Girls that would do anything they could to get the chance to play beyond high school. What are we teaching them in this discussion? What values are we truly trying to get across? All of us are guilty when it comes to this inequality - why? I can probably assume that we have spent more money to watch professional male athletes than we have female. So, do we really need to be pointing fingers at just one school. We each have a responsiblity as a fan, parent, coach, or player to make sure that each athlete, whether male or female gets the same opportunites that every other athlete gets. After all, how many incredible select ball palyers are sitting at home during the summer because their family can not afford to let that child play? When did the power of recruiting talented kids go from how they performed in school switch to only how they perform in select ball? We all know, that many talented kids get left out because no team exists in that area or no funds exist! How about we go back to putting the kid first in all things that we say! These kids are reading every word we type, and right now most of them are in do or die situations on the field. Do we really wnat their seasons to be overshadowed by the negativity they read in here? To the girls playing this week, Best of Luck to each of you! May the team that comes to play on that day and on that field be the team that moves on. And to the team that goes home, learn from the game and never look at a PLAYOFF loss as a let down. Remember, you have gotten to aplace where many will never be.
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