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Posts posted by wildcat/nation09

  1. Go wildcats!! Kirbyville wildcats, the only wildcat. on the other hand, We have a very talented team but are sloppy and not disciplined at time's, and this is coming from a die hard wildcat. But I know we can compete with any team in 3a division 1 if we play turnover free and low penalty football. Go cats!!!.
  2. Guys just to let you know Woodville Coaches were not doing the #4Whitehead kid at Q.B. Any favors by not making any adjustments to kville bringing both inside backers every play. Everyone GAP CALL step inside let someone go off the edge but do not let both backer go free up the middle very play ! We hired a Coach who has been a College DC at a few small Colleges but he is calling offense. Defense wins championships ! We couldn't get lined up to swinging gate correctly all night long! Frustrating ,we lacked fundamentals and it hurts ! Maybe we can get back to the drawing board and get back on track. Cmon Eagles !

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