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dog vs vacum

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Everything posted by dog vs vacum

  1. im pretty sure with the looks and skills that evans kid has hes can pull alot more than brewer and his 5 year old pitching arm can. and im prety sure that evans kid won the long jump and got 1st team basketball. and if he had a good receiver coach he would hav prob done better in football to. so ya im out and im not a read only backspin. so shut up.
  2. ur stupid backspin who ever u are. i bet ur bald arent u. u tak like a bald guy.
  3. ya i know, i played wit him as a kid in lil leage. im jus givin him hell hes pretty good.
  4. ya good job listi, way better pitcher than that other huffman pitcher.
  5. tarkington, itll be a big uppset if they dont win this game. it turns out that they actually have a third pitcher for those who were at the cleveland game.
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