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Posts posted by JSNEED

  1. So it sounds as if you feel i have no knowledge, or education towards your level. That's where i disagree with you. I can hold my own weight education wise, society wise, and religious wise. Why do people get offended when a person can speak his mind no matter who he speaking too. So what makes your standard high so i can achieve that too in life. To talk to me you have to be able to bend and then straighten up, because everybody don't sit as high as you.
  2. First of all this was suppose to be a freedom of speech post to which one can choose to reply our move on. People can make post as long as it suitable to whom. So you figured your response was just by mine was over the line, by who measure did i cross the line. Before y'all i guess you have control over this site remove me, just tell me what makes your response right and mine wrong. Especially when you have a right to respond or move on.
  3. That's what i like a educated over the top quick respone. See how quick you get that person drinking that to respond. First of all I'm not from the days of a kettle. Just say you won't believe it, and for the record i never said or once disagreed he is a winning district coach. Sound like you had extra sugar in your drink, our you just good at backdoor kissing.
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