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Posts posted by Onemoretime

  1. I cannot take credit for this idea, but it was brought up as a suggestion during the 8th grade football game this week.
    Several years ago, Lumberton Middle School's Girls Volleyball Coaches realized that when the girls reached high school many of them were not playing any longer, therefore leaving a void in talent. They decided to create two A teams and a B team in 7th and 8th grade. (Lumberton and Vidor are the only schools in the district that do not have split middle schools)The idea being that it would allow more girls to play and develop, eventually leading to success at the varsity level. Over the past several years the idea has,proven fruitful.
    With that being said , why can't the football program do the same thing. As it stands now, there is talent that stands on the sidelines all game( both A and B teams)that will never develop, and eventually quit or not reach their full potential. It is my belief that year after year Lumberton's program loses a lot of talent to moves or kids not being interested in playing anymore. More playing time leads to more development and an eagerness to continue to play at the high school level. All you have to do is look at Lumberton's current varsity roster to see that there is a good group of core talent, but not enough depth to be successful. It would not hurt to try something different. Any thoughts?
  2. I think I speak for all the players and their parents when I say THANK YOU to all of the fans that traveled to the games and supported us, the administration for organinzing the big send off Friday, and the police and fire departments for leading us into town after our games. The support is something that the kids will never forget and it was good to see the community get behind these girls. Looking forward to next year.

  3. Congratulatins to the Lady Raiders. They played outstanding team soccer last night. Thanks for all of the fans that made the trip. I know the girls really appreciated it. I hope the community will rally around this team, as they head to the regional tournament. Also, it would be nice to see the school have a pep rally or a big send off for the girls on Friday.

  4. Girls - Hamshire Fannett vs Lumberton at H-F

    Lumberton wins 4-0. Great job by Lumberton's goalie Lauren Scarborough keeping H-F to zero. Scorers were Shay Mitchell - 2, Madison Carlton, and Sidney Duckworth. I thought H-F played well and had a great fan crowd in the stands.


    Great job by Lumberton's goalie to save the PK. Also, a big shout out needs to go to Lumberton's backline. They have been solid all year.

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