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Posts posted by hoops2000

  1. Should be a great game Friday at Kingwood Park.  Navasota is nowhere near the team they were last year...having graduated 7 seniors.  They have had a good year , however, winning some games they weren't supposed to. They are 29-7 and were 9-3 and tied Taylor for 2nd place in District 24-AAA.  Orangefield looks like they are as strong..if not better than last year.  Good, smart guards...a strong post player.  They play well together and, as always, are well coached.  I think it will be a good , clean game Friday. 



    Stafford  49  Navasota  48

    Weimer    53  Waller  45

    Stafford    61  Bridge City  29

    Waller      44    Magnolia West  29

    Weimer    83    Bridge City  34

    Navasota  44  Magnolia West  39


    Navasota  84  Bridge City  39

    Stafford      46  Magnolia West  25

    Waller        47  Bridge City    28

    Weimer      52  Stafford    33

    Navasota    44  Waller  43

    Weimer      52  Magnolia  West  34 

  3. A great post some some very valid points.  I'd have to agree about both Coach Ancelot and Coach Orebo.  Orangefield and WOS have entirely different kinds of players.  Every coach has to coach within their own personality and get their players to play hard.  All players respond different to different kinds of coaching styles.  They both have been successful.

    One more observation...just from what I have seen....Ancelot's teams are better prepared than Orebo's.  Ancelot seems...(again...SEEMS) to work harder.  Gets tapes of opponents...makes phone calls, gets as much information as she can.  It might be because of her college coaching experience. 

  4. WAKE UP!!!!  We're trying to get Lamar's program built up.  Lamar can't compete with any school in the Big 12 or most in Conference USA.  If a player has a chance to stay at home and play at Lamar in front of 500 fans or go play at Iowa State in front of 5,000 fans plus a TV audience...what will most do???  Again...I say MOST!!!  Not all.  Some local kids would want to stay at home and be a part of rebuilding the program to national promience...but MOST would go.  And it takes $$$$ to build a BIGTIME program.  Lamar has more than most in the Southland Conference...but their salaries and budget can't compare with any in the Big 12, Mountain West or Conference USA.  I'm sure Tidwell took a paycut to come to Lamar.

  5. Just satisfied with making the NCAA tournament????  Lamar women's basketball has been horrible lately....in fact....horrible for a long time.  Making the NCAA tournament would be huge.

    Sandra is an awesome coach.  She's done wonders at Orangefield.  And she'll continue to coach great teams because she is well organized, studies the game and is very intense. Her teams are well prepared and her kids play extremely hard.  Qualities I like in a coach.  She also has D-I assistant experience.  But when she was an assistant , none of the teams she coached made the NCAA tournament.  Tidwell has been a big part of 7...plus he was at Baylor when they got the the championship of the NIT.  He also has an unbelievable won/loss record as a head high school coach.


  6. Tidwell was a head high school coach for 18 years.  Was an assistant at Baylor before going to TCU.  He knows a ton of high school coaches in Texas.  He'll recruit Texas High School players.  He isn't using Lamar as a stepping stone.  He is in in 50's.  He probably took a pay cut to come to Lamar.  Tubbs knows him and obviously likes him and respects him.  

    There are alot of great players in the Golden Triangle.  I'm sure he'll go to work and try to sign some.  He'll also want to get players who can win.  Just because he recruits local players doesn't mean that the local players will want to stay home and play for the Cardinals.  If a player has a chance to go play at a Big 12 school or an SEC school, they would probably go rather than sign with Lamar.

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