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Everything posted by HF11

  1. Lange started and Edgerly came in and finished up. Both did great!
  2. Well said veeder the horns do play very inconsistently.. They usually play on the level of their opposition. i really dont understand it but its the truth. all of their losses have come by less than three runs but they are still fighting. Good luck horns. lets pull this one out!!!!
  3. Well i hevent got to see wos play and i havent heard anything about them but i know the horns and i promise after the embarassing display of baseball friday night against K'ville coach landry will have those boys ready to play... The horns take this one by ten run rule!!!
  4. Im going with those indians.. ive played ball with a majority of those guys and they are good!!!
  5. But back to the predictions im gonna go with the HORNS in this one only because of there outstanding ability to play small ball.. I think they are about to make a very impressive run. Keep your eyes open for some young talent in there lineup
  6. Sorry coop but i just need to clear the air.. Chris Bell does go to HF but he is not on our baseball team.. He is not our starting running back.. and he defenitely does not rnu a 4.3. But as for the comments made by Roll Left, Noone needs your support and we dont need cedric back.. We have improved...
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen here we go again.. every time someone says something remotely decent about HF you can bet on one of those annoying Hawks to be right behind them wih one of there smart comments. Newsflash HJ Yall aint perfect. not even close.. but yeah good luck this year you guys
  8. HA! yea i know just thought i'd throw one in there from the hometown.. HF gets NO LOVE!!
  9. Yall can talk all you want about whoever you want but untill you see the pitcher HF has then you havent seen anything. We have a kid on JV who throws upper 80s with a 78 hook that would buckle mickey mantle's knees. . The only reason Hes not our ace on varsity is because he just transferred here from mexico. This phenom's name is Jessie "Sit-em-down" Savoy and hes the REAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!
  10. Im gonna have to go with the horns in this one... The Chris Bell kid has already hit 23 HR this season and is batting a little over .800 Hes the best thing to ever come through our program.. NOT!!! He quit last year after never seeing the field on JV
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