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Big girl

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Status Updates posted by Big girl

  1. Hello. How are you doing? My son is currently a pre-med student a Baylor. He is thinking about changing to pre-law. His focus would be constitutional law or something similar, but he was told they only make 45000 a year. Is that true? If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me what type of lawyer are you

    1. TxHoops


      It just depends but most of those types of lawyers work for agencies (like the NAACP or anti-death penalty groups).  So that may be accurate.  I do general litigation - personal injury, civil, family, a little criminal, etc.  I can tell you it's easier to make money in the medical field, regardless of people whining about Obama-care.   And there are a lot more jobs there.  I'm encouraging both of my kids to go that route. 

    2. Big girl
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