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Posts posted by BMF

  1. 4 minutes ago, Bugatti said:

    WBB-GOLD had their way with PA Black and Wos peewee teams at PAs Jamboree. I guarantee you P.A Black don't wanna see them in the playoffs. They have way more speed then P.A or any other team in the league.  If you didn't know, you better ask somebody. 

    good tell @big stepper....

  2. 13 minutes ago, thaghost said:

    Read what he said..."On Friday 10/14/18 crossed the line. This lady whom I don’t know went to my kids school and took a picture of my kid and some other students. No problem right, but it had a black heart covering the other kids face."

    So, did she get permission to take a picture of his kid? Who's to say that she isn't some type of perv/kidnapper? 

    Ah gotcha

  3. 7 minutes ago, thaghost said:

    Nope not at all. Was waiting for somebody to say the right kid name or pull a stunt such as he expressed before the parent chin checked some posters. I get it, some folks just can't stand PA but, why the so called adults have to attack kids? I've been on this board for about 9 yrs. and have seen this time and time again. Ijs I agree with coach, talk adult to adult. Essentially they're the ones that's making decisions. 

    Someone attacked the kid? I’m confused

  4. 4 minutes ago, BIG STEPPER.... said:

    Just reading all these comments r truly a joke. A cop out and full of excuses! You have grown men questioning Kids etc. even sadder you guys made a whole post basically about Port Arthur. I feel sorry if these man that give all their time to them kids and I even feel worst for the kids. I’m begging PA do not sweep this league cause u guys will some how be put out, more rules will be made and definitely more excuses.... He scored too many points banned them he shouldn run the ball he’s too big. It’s soft football you guys want anyways! I’m sure half of y’all r pissed because y’all playing Daddy ball anyways!!!!!

    See you are completely wrong, being youth football, and pertaining to you big kids cant run the ball comment, its a safety issue. I do not care what PA does and if the beat me, guess what? Dem boys in dallas play sunday and ill forget my kid even plays youth football. Now, the too many points i agree is complete BS.

  5. 9 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    You mean when STJFL didn't ban he whole Nederland league like they did PA before or Jasper. Sure as human run these leagues there will be a mistake or two I think the league has been fair to all pretty much. BC not only got caught they lost there President and when he went out the door BC had to make changes cause he took some people with him.. 

    Like i said earlier i wasn't around when the Nederland senior team was banned, but i know stjfl had less proof than they did for BC, i also know that the senior team went undefeated and was left out with no playoffs

  6. 4 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    If it happens it happens You show me a league and I will show you plenty of mess pissed of parents and rumors. I would rather stay around the corner then to go off and deal with people in areas . Someone is always going to feel cheated it never fails.At the end of the day it's about kids. At some point each league has felt like STJFL was picking on them and making unfair decisions. As long as all leagues recieve this heat I'm good with it. We are the worse enemies for these kids. They just want to play a little football with there friends and build some life time memories. 

    Man, i agree. Its about teaching these kids the sport and respect for the game. You are correct, all leagues have corruption and some are cheated. Its how things are handled or not handled that the kids notice.

  7. 4 minutes ago, footballgoddess said:

    Well since we all are talking rumors, BC did try and stack a team, they also got caught and were forced to redraft (rumors) glad i don't belong to them. I think they should have been banned from the playoffs such as that Nederland senior team was a few years back. EC refused the mercy rule and that's why nothing happened to BC. You are correct in saying YOUTH, guess that's where they learn you can get by without punishment. Weak league.

    who are you with?

  8. 4 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    You are right and his business was handled there the league. 

    i believe that yes you are right some of the players business was handled the correct way, i also know that some were not. But hey this is youth football and no one is above stjfl. so they do what they want unchecked, and we pay money and deal with it. I do hope talk resumes for the coalition of schools to leave and move out of stjfl and join another league or maybe start their own.

  9. 4 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    I just never thought I would see the day people want me to believe that people are out to actual help Port Arthur win.If that's the case times are changing. The future must be looking pretty bright. Next you will want me to believe in unicorns. 

    nah PA doesn't need any help. However we have a very shady and weak stjfl president, and by further a weak committee.

  10. 9 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    They played in TYFA now they returned to STJFL and they playing in PNG this year. 

    You are correct to assume that, however the parent or coach has to declare when a child moves schools. By your account, I can have a LCM report card, move to BC over the summer and still play for LCM, not how that works.

  11. 4 minutes ago, SugeKnight of Deathrow said:

    The same Juan that banned the PA PW team 4 years ago ? Sorry it's not adding up. One person stats the a parent off PA RED PW was called and asked to play but ppl say The PW Blk team is the stacked team. Ppl all over the place looking for a reason. 

    I wasn't involved in any of this when PA was banned a few years back. So I wont pretend I know what that was about. I'm not sure people are looking for a reason or excuses, they are just tired of not only PA, but a few other schools getting away with questionable practices. All of PA teams are good, doesn't excuse the fact that rules are being bent or broken. Like I said, PA isn't the only one, I personally know a few others, but this thread is about the first comment that started it.

  12. 4 minutes ago, aki1994 said:

    I don't care personally. I am with you. There are examples everywhere and they will come on here making all kinds of excuses. It is entertaining. 

    yea its is, and getting all upset and wanting to move kids schools during the year, its dramatic for the kids, seeing how that's who we are here for anyway. seems like some teams want to fuel their adult ego.

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