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  1. OK thanks for the positive remarks on this thread. Whoever started this thread should be ashamed along with the negative comments. I have a son in this program and he has come home day after day telling me this Coach is the real deal. My son is motivated, he believes in this program, he wants to work hard for Harris and his staff. Yes I said work, they are working them, tearing those muscles tissues down. Guess what the human body responds to rebuild that tissue! They know what they are doing and for all the parents in Fannett that dont like their kid having to work then get the hell out of Fannett, we dont want you or your kid! That is the issue it hasnt all been coaching its the parents/schoolboard! The school board needs to stop the nonsense and not even talk about anything negative with this new coach. Harris will stay here, and Fannett will be winning soon! If the parents and schoolboard runs him out, I know for a fact the top 5 athletes and others will leave, my son being one!
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