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Everything posted by MAYFIELD

  1. hey man that's not enough butter we love popcorn around here
  2. I seen him in a track meet tho
  3. That only means that it will be three Beaumont teams fighting for second
  4. Could you be talking about a new basketball coach
  5. Just wondering have anyone heard anything of all the kids who are playing at the next level. Any word on Morse or Krautz at Lamar, Seay at McNeese. I seen Nederland Malveaux about three weeks ago, and yes he still Big.
  6. Look I apologize to many who feel offended by my words. I felt that moving the topic would not bring about today's actions. We find it easier to carry the torch of negative, instead of bringing each other up in unity. This world is like this because in our differences, we never look to common and calmer ground. I apologize to the forum and it's viewers for allowing myself back into this and will move on. I wish love to all and let's play ball.
  7. I heard of a new school being built that would help with college credits but nothing else
  8. So you saying you read between lines tell me what part implies he racist.
  9. You know I sat with Coach Neumann a couple months ago. I expressed myself to him about this board and my views. I can tell you this I bet he knows I behind him 100% if Tavian was the waterboy, but let him compete for waterboy. So question to you if you are a father. Can you watch your child not be given a chance, when you know 100% he/she can do something. Team comes first and he accepted that 2 times. Hey I don't expect you to understand.
  10. If that's what you calling him
  11. So since you so glorifying about the blue tag on helmet, which to many is a good thing. Would you be offended if I asked you does the rest of the helmet stand for BLACK LIVES MATTER! doubt it. Now you probably would say that racist too, but in our world it's everyday REALITY with all races of the BLUE. I spoke becaused I have lived it and still live it.
  12. I go there with you Captain, if you read my post concerning Neumann. I said I felt my son didn't receive a chance to compete, and that it wasn't his fault God made him that way you can take it how you wish. Now don't get your panties twisted because I am gained to straighten them. Soulja you called it not everyone can see it, unless they lived it.
  13. True racist are everywhere within every race. The problem is when you try to argue with one who lives has been challenged by racism. I asked for this to be removed because many people have experienced the other side of the law. The side majority of readers will never see from officers rather black or white.
  14. It seems like you mixing paint let it go
  15. Man you apart of the staff for Harrison lol
  16. This one is a touchy one here let's put that topic in a non football category please.
  17. Naw man the 2 church's parking lots we got room. I wish in Nederland they knew how to rob to get a stadium.
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