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Everything posted by KeithD

  1. To all contributors: I just spent a while reading the posts on this site.  While I see a lot of healthy collaboration and information sharing on this site, I also see the dark side of youth sports.  Let me share one of my favorite sayings in the WBBIFL: In youth football, we have to deal with a lot of immaturity and childish behavior, and sometimes the kids act up as well.  This site really makes that obvious.  This season, despite my efforts to make Beaumont the model of integrity, I have had to deal with angry board members (from my own board and the STJFL), and angry parents as a result of my commitment to, and determination to uphold, the rules and bylaws of the STJFL.  Don't get me wrong; I absolutely agree with the rules of the STJFL and the spirit of the organization.  My kid is out there.  I want him protected, and I feel like the STJFL does the best job of that out of any youth sports organization I have ever been affiliated with.  But, protection should go beyond freedom from physical harm.  Protection should also cover the feelings of the players, their parents, and the coaches.  This week, I have seen physical protection upheld, but I have seen a multitude of feelings hurt. By people talking without realizing who is listening. By people making posts on this site that seem to promote a personal agenda while making inaccurate statements or accusations.  By fathers having difficult conversations with their sons.  It makes me sad to see something that I love tarnished by such ugliness.  And we “adults” are completely to blame.  There are no kids posting on this website.  There are no kids in the stands bad-mouthing the coaches that sacrifice their time to make youth sports possible.  There are no kids plotting new and creative ways to circumvent the rules for their own benefit.  The kids don’t feel persecuted; they just want to play.  And we screw that up by running our mouths.  I challenge everyone to use this site for good, not evil.  If everyone can’t do that, well, this is America and we are absolutely guaranteed our right to free speech, so I (and everyone else) can just get over it.  But, if you are a member of the Beaumont association, I beg you, please rise above.  There is nothing to be gained by talking smack on this site, and there is much to lose, starting with your own dignity, and then the reputation of our league.  Please don’t ruin this thing we have all worked so hard to make great.  Actions speak louder than words.  Show everyone what you can do on the field, not in front of your computer. For the kids, Keith Davis President WBBIFL
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