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Posts posted by dallasblog.com

  1. predictable.. what a winning coach does for a community is very visible in enhancing property values over time.. the bad part is that there will be high-paying pressure-cooker jobs and then there will be passive jobs .. where there is security but no sense of urgency to win ...

    the next step to stop the escalating money is to offer longer-term contracts... if Morris would have been on a 4-year rollover that is perpetually a 4-year deal, he might not have left.. but stephenville has the high expectations and not the same talent depth it used to .. i don't think stephenville will get the proven 4A coach it expects... they might get a rising 3Aer or top 4A/5A coordinator type..

    even at HP with 2 state finals in the last 3 years.. if they go 1-and-out in the playoffs and _ heaven forbid _ didn't make the playoffs.. there'd be a push to move Allen upstairs or out and Allen has no security to prevent it..

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