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Posts posted by truefan

  1. He would be a cross between Greg Moore and Randy Tomlison.  He is very tough and extremely fast.  His field vision is awesome and can make people look stupid.  He is also a very aggresive back that will lower his shoulders and fight for 1 yard if needed.  Great kid that will playing at the next level.
  2. [quote name="beastking18" post="1307594" timestamp="1350958962"]
    Coldspring is always good every year..... Coldspring plays football and doesn't give up....
    Liberty has players... has the team to put up a great fight.... the only problem is they have a tendency to give up when the opposite team keeps scoring back to back... or the make mistakes(such as enterceptions, and fumbles)... To avoid a serious beatdown.... they can't give up and give it 100% the WHOLE GAME....

    If Liberty plays the whole game I say (Liberty 21, Coldspring 42)

    If Liberty gives up first quarter I say (Lliberty 7, Coldspring 63)
  3. Huffman played a very good Coldsprings team last week.  They got embarrased at home in front of a very large crowd.  Hats off to CS they have great athletes and great coaches and play the game the right way.  I will be pulling for them in the playoff.

    Now to get to topic.  Shepard better hold on and get ready for a air show tonight.  After last week Huffman has prove to they can bounce back and the scoreboard better get the ready.  This will be a loapsided beat down tonight.  No offense to Shepherd just bad timing.  Huffman's airshow shows up with a point to prove tonight.  Huffman wins bye 50!
  4. Huffman folks won't talk trash about Coldsprings.  We are pulling for a win tonight.  We know it is a tough task and will need to be a mistake free game for this to happen.  We have much respect for Coldsprings as they have a great program that keeps cranking out great teams. 

    Good luck to both teams and it should be a treat to watch these two go at it tonight.  Pray for injury free game that is play with great sportsmanship.
  5. Will be a close game.  I will admit I did not give Liberty a chance in this game but after watching Cleveland play this week I was wrong.  If Liberty can stop the run they can win this game.  Cleveland has no discpline and cannot throw the football.  This one will go down to the wire! 
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