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The Playmaker

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Everything posted by The Playmaker

  1. I have not posted on this site and I don't want to see this site become what texashoops became with the political opinions but "There is no substitute for hard work, but harder work" is a "GREAT" statement. The problem with that statement in my opinion is the minority has to do harder worker because he/she is discriminated against because of color.  They face redlining, higher interest loans, denial of access to quality education, housing, jobs, etc.  There are major universities today that allow "x" number of blacks/hispanics, etc. at their schools and the majority cries "foul" when affirmative action is used.  A majority of our laws are targeted at minorities.  You can see it in our penal system. We as adults know this exist on both sides and it is coming out more and more.  There should be no liberal or conservative but a right and a wrong. It was sad to hear when Obama won, Fox News make the statement, "There is no more Wh_te America" and said it as if the world is going to fall apart. That is one of the great things about basketball, if you can't play you will stand out and you can see favoritism and other bad behaviors at work. I wish I could have seen that game between Yates and Ozen.  Stand by your beliefs Blue Dove.  Steve Nash the USA will defend your right and Blue Doves right to have an opinion. I will not comment on this again, this is a high school basketball site.  I could not resist.
  2. I am new and this is an interesting topic.  I have notice the game is changing because kids spend far less time on the fundamentals and more time on things that result in high turnovers and the loss of the midrange game. I also feel that in the state of Texas basketball is stressed far less.  The kids get no gym time especially in the junior high program.  I wonder if you were to poll basketball coaches it would be interesting to see how that turns out.
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