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  1. Brady Lambert might be a good QB, but he isn't gonna pass for many yards in this game. He isn't good under pressure and Coldspring's Defense is going to be all over him. They better be ready, they haven't played a team like Coldspring.
  2. Look Mr. Eagle from Argyle..  Stats don't mean a thing, just because you have the best stats or higher stats than the other team doesn't mean you always win. Take Gilmer for instance, Gilmer beat Carthage 39-36. and it took y'all 2 OT to beat Carthage 35-34, basically y'all are at the same level. So if stats made a difference, Gilmer would've beaten y'all.
  3. Lake Travis has too much experience in the playoffs and at State level. They have a lot of hard work put into their team and will get the job done for their 5th consecutive STATE TITLE..
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