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Everything posted by longball24

  1. No I do not pretend to know more than the doctor. I have been privelaged to meet many great pitching coaches and trainers one Mr Brent Strom actually taught my son how to properly throw a curve ball in which he says is what ruins highschool pitchers. Check out Nolan Ryan's thoughts on pitch counts. The great Jim Gillian also discouraged kids from throwing curve balls before they start shaving. You have to keep in mind Dr Andrews is the best in his field doing surgery and writing books.
  2. Experience goes a long ways. These above post do show some people are educated beyond their intelligence. How many kids have you helped to the level above LL. I will bet you were a LL star that threw 100 curveballs a game. Breaking balls get you Tommy john. velocity gets you a scholarship.
  3. In other words it takes more than daddy ball to get you to the next level. Travel ball and professional lessons are worth the time and money. The one factor is to find someone who stresses core strength and works on speed and velocity. Start at a early age.
  4. Playing summer 16u thru 18u showcase ball or receiving instruction from many instructors in the area and college camps.
  5. I have a question that I would like a truthful answer to. How many kids have received a college scholarship or have been drafted in the mlb draft without playing travel ball or getting professional lessons?
  6. Perfect Game and you will have to pay a subscription fee
  7. That is a true statement,but there are still people who hand select their players it is by invite only. If you play for a academy anyone can play.
  8. I would love to see a highschool coach somewhere say,that we will no longer play select ball players on our varsity team. This would show that select baseball and professional lessons were a waste of time and money . The only team select players would be eligible for would be is Jv. Maybe someone complaining about select can do this.
  9. You don't have to have facilities like Carthage or the woodlands but you do need nice upgrades jasper PNG silsbee Sabine pass evadale woodville all are new or fairly new facilities and do benefit from kids transferring from neighboring schools And kids going to live with grandparents for this reason.schools like Newton and WOS have been immune but jasper could change newtons winning tradition kids will look around and want to leave for greener pastures LCM could do the same to WOS. Remember the term if you build it they will come.
  10. Congrats to yoe they were the better team. Having said that wdv had the better athletes take away the 90 yard fumble return and the 30 yard onside kick that I have never heard of and this is a different game an outright collapse on woodville
  11. Excuse me but didn't Cameron's AD Head coach leave for greener pastures last year?
  12. Ok I'm sorry woodville won't run the score up to much class. So they will pull their starters in the 3rd and keep it close.
  13. I agree woodville has all intentions of manhandling yoe's small line and holding the passing to a minimum. Woodville should win by 30 and make their statement.
  14. Buna is the epitome of Tough. They may not win but Teague will know they were in a battle. This may knock Teague out of a battle next week. The Toll of this game may be to great to overcome.
  15. Wow wdv may have a easier time than I thought
  16. I agree wdv has not faced anyone with a passing game like yoe, but neither has yoe faced a running game like wdv 7 offensive linemen that total over 2100 lbs on the line that are very athletic and speed to burn at every skill position. Yoe just don't have size or speed that wdv has only teams in region that come close is Teague and malakoff
  17. Luck will not be needed next week cameron will be as overwhelmed as anahuac to much size and speed yoe will try to test the secondary and everyone knows only 3 things can happen and 2 of them are bad
  18. They are not the Cameron of old little to no size very beatable
  19. Come on eagles get off the fence. If you were one of the kids would you want to play for someone like yourself or someone that excites them and is a motivator. Yes you will rub some people the wrong way but so what show sportsmanship and take the good with the bad. You can't stay beat down your whole life
  20. I am not sure most posters know what real speed looks like. If yoe had real speed they would not be runner up. WDV has real TEAM SPEED even our big guys are fast. IF yoe is looking for someone to match them speed wise they wont have far to look.
  21. congrats to all the young men mentioned above. Hard work does pay off. For all the people who want to know what it takes to play D1 ball, what do all these young men have in common that sets them apart from everyone else. physically I mean.
  22. Eagles1 is getting better, It is just hard for him to go from the tea drinking politically correct environment to a blue collar hard nose say what you mean tone. He is catching on quick though. To bad we didn't have Newton on the schedule this year. Would have been interesting.
  23. The whole thing needs to be tweaked. The only restrictions should be on breaking balls most are not taught how to properly throw a curve or slider, this is where the arm problems start. Should be unlimited on fast balls and change ups and 45 breaking balls a week. Kids will last longer. imo
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