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Posts posted by dawgs20

  1. Offense did real well last week 2 touchdowns called back on penalties and did not get nothing for it, Neel down on the ball inside the 5 yard line twice to end the game final score does not show the real game. Have to clean up on the penalties and should be alot better will see how it goes.
  2. They did well they scored twice in scrimmage and Kingwood Park scored twice. In live game action Kingwood Park scored once on a turnover Magnolia had. They look better than I thought they would going to the spread. They have one good kid on the offense out with a knee get him back and they should make some noise in the district defense is pretty solid. At ALDINE in the morning see how it goes there.
  3. BrenhamFan and all the people who pick Magnolia to be bad, be careful what you wish for. They will be better than you think. The group that are Juniors are going to be the best they have had there in a long while. There Freshman team beat up on alot of teams and some of the best Freshman that year were already on the Varsity. Make sure ya'll don't take them lightly, it is not your normal Magnolia team.
  4. If they dont cook more than last year, than you are not cooking nothing. I just hoope all your praise of the new coach is going to be good. Cause there is not alot there for him to build with UNLESS yall get in some new2 kids. Seen them last year and not very good. GOOD LUCK.
  5. I hope 55 you are not going to jump off the band wagon of the coach if he does not turn it around like you say he is. Coach Slack was a hometown man and it did not take long for all yall to jump off. Good luck with your new coach and rember dont be the first one to jump off if it does not go your way,
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