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Everything posted by LongHornPride

  1. I read that under the high school forum >mock realignments....it is nothing set in stone but with relignments coming up this year and and enrollment number to go up for each classification it could happen...all rumors and just talk right now but i think it would be good for the school and the athletics dept...
  2. I have to agree, King is by far the most athletic kid on the field week in and week out. He can score at any moment of the game, esp. when we gets into space, kinda like that punt return. But not to take anything from how good he is, that group of kids is by far one of the best teams I have seen in a very long time. He gets alot of help from a big offensive line, some already weighing over 200#, and some really good players in the other skill positions. The defense on this team is no push-over either, with a huge D-line and a secondary that doesnt give up any big plays. The weakest point on defense is the line backers and that seems to get better each week. These boys play as a team and compliments each other. I think with the move to 2A next year with a return of a great rivalry between HF and EC, you will see alot of good football in the next few years!!!!!
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