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Everything posted by Werealltrueblue

  1. [quote name="Brubaker" post="1036352" timestamp="1313552109"] One log to throw on this fire, why did Jordan Wood, Seth Barrow, and Michael Shaw, stop playing basketball?  They were three of the best players in their class, Shaw one of the best athletes in the school, Barrow shoots the lights out and a great athlete in his own right, Wood a small forward who can bang, step back and hit a j, dee up and rebound.... Why are these guys not playing basketball?  I've got my theory.  This lovefest goes both ways, get off your high horse.  I can't think they just lost interest.  And I know if they grabbed any two knuckleheads from the halls, their five could ball against anyone in the school... so how rosy white is this situation? [/quote]         You want the honest answer to that question? Jordan Wood, Seth Barrow, and Michael Shaw stopped playing basketball simply because they got passed up. Being in football class and playing basketball at the same time interfered with their opportunity to develop like the "just basketball guys". If they were allowed to be in basketball for the whole period instead of having to go to football mid-way, maybe this is a whole different story. But, we all know football is number one around here. Some of these basketball players were good football players in middle school in their own right, but ultimately saw a better opportunity in basketball. (Weisbroad, Rogers, Lormier, etc.) Just like the Football guys saw a better opportunity in football. Have your theories, your love fests, but just know that in the end it is better that the "Big Three" (Shaw, Wood, and Barrow) decided to take their talents to the "South Beach". And seriously? Saying that they could grab anyone from the halls and ball with anybody in the school is 1) Hilarous and completely foolish 2) An insult to the hard work that the basketball players have put in to earn the jersey they wear every Tuesday and Friday night.
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