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russell ath

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Posts posted by russell ath

  1. I was very impressed with vidor the past 4 weeks.  The young kids grew up alot. Coach has taken alot of  crap over the last couple of months.  You people need to know that almost every one of us seniors hugged the man and told him we love him.  Next to my dad, he is the most influential man in my life.  I hope he will stay.  We (Vidor) are lucky to have him.  People like Pirate faithful Jr. need to realize how much he means to us players and we are what matters not just wins and loses.  Thank you Coach Mathews we love you.

  2. Why dont we get off of jeff and start concentrating on who will get the Head Job.  No offense to jeff but he is not what this topic started was started for.  This has turned into a bash jeff thread and those of us that know him do not appreciate it and I am sure he enjoy reading negative things about himself. As long as I have known Jeff he has never lied to me or have I ever witnessed him lying to another. 

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