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Posts posted by BryanS

  1. To all interested participants concerning GT Shocker tryouts & weather,

    Had a few phone calls yesterday wondering whether or not we would practice in the rain. Yes, we did end up working out after the lightning left the area and the kids that showed up were real troopers! Since it has been so dry, the fields absorbed the water pretty quickly.

    If this same scenario happens again on the remaining three open practice / tryouts dates, the answer is YES we will do it again as long as the fields hold up and lightning is not a concern. We will NEVER jeopardize your child's safety if the potential for lightning exists but, our team should always be prepared to work out in light to moderate rain. We believe in preparing our players for those special tournament situations that they sometimes may be expected to play in.

    I hope this has helped to answer some of  your questions / concerns. Looking forward to seeing you at future workouts. Any additional questions, don't ever hesitate to give us a shout.

  2. 10U Shockers team will also add one additional open practice day to the earlier announced schedule. It will be this coming Thursday 07/14/2011 from 5p-8p at the same college street municipal field location GHI. Complete official tryout schedule for our 10U team will be as follows:

    Thursday 07/14 from 5p-8p
    Saturday 07/16 from 9a-12p
    Thursday 07/21 from 5p-8p
    Saturday 07/23 from 9a-12p

    Our official 10U team roster for the upcoming season will be announced to all selected on the evening of July 23rd after the final tryout. We are primarily looking for 2001 birthdays but any 2002 standout will definitely be considered. All positions are available and we encourage anyone interested to participate in at least one or all workouts if possible. You will never know what you are getting until you actually try it out for yourself so looking forward to seeing you there. Please arrive early, bring plenty of water, a positive attitude, and the burning desire to want to bring out the best in yourself each and every day.

    Any further questions, please feel free to phone any one of us for additional information.

    Regina Lunceford # 409-499-2688

    Shawn Adams # 409-659-8340

    Bryan Sartin # 409-749-9251

  3. It’s unfortunate that I’m having to say anything at all to the viewers on this discussion board but feel like it is necessary at this point to help put a little closure for all involved. For those of you that do not know me, my name is Bryan Sartin from Port Neches and my daughter is currently playing on team Mojo. She is the starting 3rd baseman and normally bats clean up for the team. This is my very first post on this discussion forum and you will probably not see many others in the future because that’s just not how I do things. We are one of the families that have decided to pursue opportunities with other potential area select teams in the near future. We believe it is our private choice and our private right to do so. We did not realize it was going to attract so much negative attention from a “couple” of others. We felt like it should have been more of a private matter between our family and team Mojo, but sadly for everyone involved on both sides, it has become public slander through your discussion forum. Unfortunately for us, the softball paparazzi blew this huge story wide open to the public (that no one will give a hoot about tomorrow) before we had a chance to “officially” handle things internally the way we wanted to. We had a very respectable exit plan with team Mojo that we felt would have been better for all involved, especially the girls on team Mojo that are trying to get through the next couple of tournaments together. Believe it or not, we still have a place in our hearts for all that may or may not choose to come with us wherever we end up during our softball adventures. For those that don’t, we still wish them well in their future endeavors and consider them and their families to be an extended part of our family. We want great things for them all no matter what softball team they may end up playing for. Just because some will not be on the same team together any longer does not mean we can’t all act mature and respectable toward one another. I hope the two “unknown identities” look in the mirror and are really proud of themselves for the potential damage they tried to inflict behind something that was none of their business to begin with. Some of the kids on the team have now been unnecessarily bothered by this distraction prematurely and hopefully for their sake, we will all be able to keep it together for them throughout the remainder of our season. We have been talking with Craig Thompson (Head Coach- Mojo) in private for some time now. In all fairness to everyone actually involved in this (this definitely excludes you sball812 & hottestbats……whoever you are???), this was NOT shocking news to Coach Thompson. Coach Thompson knew there were several issues leading up to this for some time now and those issues will remain private between team Mojo as far as I’m concerned. Coach Thompson has been a great coach to us and I consider him to be a fine man with class. We are proud to have gotten a chance to know and play for him. In the end, his organization will rebound and life will go on for us all. We are all still on good terms with each other and will remain that way (even as a result of your failed attempt to cause harm between others you don’t even know). If those of us that are actually involved can do this, you certainly should be able to as well. As far as the female coach (Regina Lunceford) that was unjustly criticized into the ground and made into a vicious focal point of this thread, she is an outstanding person & coach and has absolutely nothing to do with any of our controversy inside of our organization. Craig Thompson himself will tell you the same things about this woman (that is, if you ever bother to ask him and not base everything off of your opinion or rumors). I personally have a lot of respect for her and what she has always been able to do with the kids. I’m very proud to know her and will always be a part of any of her softball programs as long as she will have us. We all have enemies and that’s okay, it’s just part of life. I understand that and do not have any issues with people not liking me, her or anyone else as long as the opposition has the decency to identify themselves when casting stones. That is the only problem that has bothered me about this entire thread. God gives us all a conscience to live with so please try not to be so hateful towards others when you don’t know the whole truth and it’s none of your business to begin with. When you’re not sure whether or not something you say in a discussion forum could potentially be hurtful toward someone else, ask yourself this question, “Do I have the courage to sign my real name to my words or not?”. If the answer is no, then you should probably avoid the subject altogether and simply not say anything at all. There is no way anyone with any dignity whatsoever would ever listen or respect a person’s words when they never had the courage to sign their name to their statements. The same things said with a legitimate signature still may not have been liked or agreed to by us all but, would have been respected. I intentionally named all involved in my explanation to show by example that we should all stand for what we believe in where there is no shame involved.

    Thank you Craig Soignet for representing the Shocker organization the way you have and others involved. I’m sure many other intelligent readers of this forum are able to see why someone may be attracted to what you guys have to offer merely based on the way you have conducted yourself in this thread. Keep up the good hard work and always maintain that same integrity with the teams that you run. You truly do have one heck of a program over there and I know there is great success to come for your teams.

    One more thing goes out to the interested viewer wanting to know when team Mojo will play next……we will be going to Baytown on June 4th weekend. Wish us luck and please support our girls where you can.

    I hope this has helped clear up some of the unnecessary drama so we can all move on to more positive issues for all of our girls. As far as where we will end up after the season is over will be officially announced “when our season is over”. Team Mojo still has a few games to win prior to the summer break. If anyone feels the need to send me a private message, my e-mail address will be listed next to my signature. Until we all cross at the softball park next time, looking forward to shaking a new friend’s hand. God Bless to all and play hard!

    Bryan Sartin
    [email protected]
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