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Everything posted by sunshine

  1. yeah i wouldn't count WOS out cause Jasper still has HJ but this is 3 straight for WOS
  2. Durley also had a great night with several blocks including a MONSTEROUS block on the first play of the game.
  3. good job did anyone know if stokley got to play?
  4. i say WH by 10 and maybe stoke will get to play this game any one else agree?
  5. i think it makes a big difference shooting free-throws when our crowd is going wild and it does make it harder
  6. does anyone know if stokley got any playing time?
  7. if silsbee brings their fans they can even out the noise for HJ's Hawk Hecklers
  8. so if WH beats Big Sandy then they will have a playoff game rite? they each only have 1 district loss right?
  9. anyone else looking at him besides ole miss and LU??
  10. taylor thomas may be an alright pres. but tubbs has my vote if only he could pass webmastering.
  11. dallas lincoln what are they like 1A 5A ?
  12. he does look pretty old. how old is he really?
  13. i agree with longlivedavis they are a great team with a great coach and i dont see them losing but hey anything i guess is possible.
  14. actually it does matter if WOS wins tonight and HJ wins Tuesday that would make it 1. HJ 2.WOS 3. Silsbee......which means WOS plays a 3rd place team from another district in the first round of the playoffs. But if they were to lose than they would have to play a 2nd place team so actually this game does matter!
  15. really ole miss? does anyone know of anybody else?
  16. I think a rematch between HJ and WOS in the playoffs would be a nice matchup? any one else see this happening?
  17. WH by 26......maybe my boy Stoke will get some PT
  18. orangefield upset HJ????? are you serious?? when was the last time Orangefield beat HJ in basketball......never? now bad coaching staff? how many times have yall made it to state?
  19. my votes for Jeremy Tubbs although he can't pass some classes he would still be a great president
  20. West Orange needs to win cause if they lose that will put them with 3 losses and no chance for 2nd place in the district
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